Chapter 3 ~ Soul Evans

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Chapter 3


            The sweet little blonde girl in pigtails. I-I had to kill her? There must be some misunderstanding! She was so sweet and funny and adorable. I couldn’t kill her! But the job. If I quit, then I lose everything. My friends, my house, my money. It’s like some damn contract. I have to do it. I had to. But maybe not the same way as I used to. This job may take longer, but I don’t want to hurt her.


            The weeks went by and we grew closer and closer. To the point where she told me everything. She’d call me every night and tell me what stupid or great thing that happened that day. Or if nothing happened, she’d tell me about the book she was reading. What was happening, who died, the like.

            I was constantly at the gym, stinking up the storm. Even Black*Star didn’t want to go with me sometimes.

            “I will surpass the gods, but that doesn’t mean I have to go to the gym every day.”

            The gym was the only place I could clear my thoughts. I was constantly wondering how I was going to carry this out.

            The day before the first day of school, I spent most of my day at the gym. I had breakfast, went out to lunch with Black*Star and the girls, then went back.

I couldn’t hurt her. I thought between pull ups. I didn’t want to hurt her. Each strain brought me closer to figuring out what the hell to do. She was just…amazing. I paused. Aw shit. She has me wrapped around her finger doesn’t she?

At that moment my phone began to ring. The song “Brain” by BANKS began to play throughout the entire gym. Maka’s theme song.

“Yello?” I said, sounding a bit breathless. God what if she thinks I was doing something other than working out?

I could hear her smile through the phone. “Hey Soul!” Her voice was as cheerful as ever and it brought a smile to my face. “Dinner? At eight to Olive Garden? Pick me up?”

I looked at the clock on the wall. It was 7:15. Shit. “Yeah sure.” I began to hurriedly grab my gym bag. “See you soon. Dress nice.” I could feel her roll her eyes as she murmured an annoyed response.

I quickly drove home to go take a shower. Damn it. I should’ve just taken one at the gym. Or better yet, left earlier. It’s okay. It was just dinner with Maka. She wouldn’t mind. I took a quick shower before getting dressed into an orange shirt, a leather jacket and a pair of jeans. My hair took about half the time I needed to get ready and drive over there.

The drive was quick. Maka sent me her address. I didn’t even know she lived that close. I quickly fixed my shirt and my hair before knocking on the door. I was expecting her parents to open her door like they do in movies.

I was wrong. But oh did being wrong be so nice.

She wore her plaid skirt of course, but instead of her coat and everything, she wore a grey shirt with a pair of boots. A cardigan was thrown over the outfit, covering the back of her skirt.

“Hi Soul!” She said in that sweet, cherry voice of hers.

I smiled at her. “Hey sweetheart.”

She walked out of her house. “Stop calling me that.” She locked her own door. That was odd. Didn’t she have family to lock it for her? “It’s not like we’re dating.”

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