Chapter 2 ~ Maka Albarn

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        This is completely freaking useless. Who gives a shit about the clothes you wear on your first day of junior year? But alas, the friends I had grabbed me by the wrist and forced me along with them. The worst thing wasn't even buying the clothes.

        It was trying them on.

        Countlessly, I had to turn and walk back and forth. It was like a fashion show! How do those girls do it? Why couldn't I just wear my plaid red skirt, my white shirt, my tan vest, and my black coat? No one's ever cared until now. Can they stop caring?

        The horror started off with the punk look. Black skinny jeans, leather jacket, an extremely tight shirt that made my nonexistent cleavage pop. Even the boots were spiked with studs. Tsubaki took pictures.

        Then it was the childlike look. You can imagine that. Let's just say, I had a lollipop and ribbons. I have new nightmares.

        After was the whole whore look. I didn't even come out during that one. Short skirt, low cut tank-top. No. I'd rather die. Kid and Tsubaki were begging me to open the door. I refused.

        Finally it was the simple one. The only one I liked.

        Tsubaki giggled, "I think it looks nice on you, Maka." Her tone was sweet. Her hair was in a high ponytail. The beautiful girl wore a flowery dress that barely surpassed her knee. Her hands were on her lap, head tilted. Her booted feet turned inward.

        "You always say that," I argued. She was so unhelpful.

        Her hands went on her hips stubbornly. "I like it. What about you, Kid?" Her hair nearly hit me in the face.

        He had been tilting a mannequin for the past fifteen minutes, his back towards us. He reached his hand back and waved us away. "Yeah, yeah looks nice." He continued to fiddle with it. His eyes were focused as each hand reached to make them perfectly symmetrical.

        "Baka! You didn't even look!" Japanese was becoming a second language to me. Although, I suppose it was the course I took during the summer. I turned towards the mirror of the dressing room. It was nice, I suppose. Different definitely.

        At the very top of my head was a headband. Sighing, I tossed that off my head and fixed my pigtails. The stupid pink headband would distract my signature look. Next was the necklace. A little cute bird. The shirt was a safe color. Gray. On top of that, I wore a white sweatshirt that said the words, "Go to hell". Below that was a pair of black jeans held up by a black belt. My shoes were a pair of high tops.

        Kid came up behind me. "Not bad for someone who's not symmetrical." My dear friend Death the Kid had some major problems. For one, he had really bad OCD. If something wasn't straight, he would start cursing himself. Although I guess that was because his dad named him Death the Kid. I suppose no one would really enjoy that name. And then he rarely ever saw his dad. He was always working. But that's where Tsubaki and I came in. We'd protect him like he was our baby when his dad disappeared for months.

        Without saying a word, I pointed to my shirt and mouthed the words, "Go to hell". Then I shooed them all out. There was one last thing I had to try on.


        After fiddling with a zipper for five minutes, I finally closed the dress. I was never a fan of dresses, but I had to admit, if I was a lesbian, I'd fuck myself.

        I shyly walked out of the dressing room. "Ts-Tsubaki-chan?" I called gently. My hands were behind my back so she could see the dress.

The Assassin (SoulxMaka Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora