You huff “Not everything is about you” you snapped, sitting down on the floor with your arms and head resting on your knees. Giving Peter his answer he sat next to you leaving a small gap mainly so you couldn’t reach over and hit him. Closing your eyes you wanted to scream at him what was wrong but didn’t what to humiliate yourself anymore then you felt you already had. How were you meant to tell you didn’t want to see because you felt broken by his rejection. “Y/N please tell me what’s wrong you reek of sadness and anger. I’m worried about y/n your my friend” Peter said reaching an arm out to yours. His sweet gesture and words were the final straw for you jumping to your feet looking down at him “that’s the problem Peter you and your mixed signals sometimes I can’t tell what you want, you say you only want to be friends and I can’t do it. I know you don’t want me like that you made it clear at Malia’s party” you started to shout. Peter groaned standing up knowing what you were talking about.

“Y/N you don’t understand, that night I don’t think you know or remember” he started his tone was was sweet and kind but cut him off still angry “I remember that night, or most of it anyway” you say still not remembering how exactly you had gotten home “But I remember you rejected me very clearly do you want me to remind you” you say thinking and telling him your version.

It was Malia’s birthday party, you had your own mini plan in mind. You went out and got a stunning dress in the color Peter once said you looked the best in, done up your hair and makeup looking your best ready to seduce Peter hale. The party started and he hadn’t shown up. Now feeling nervous you started drinking with everyone else. Not being a big drinker and human you felt drunk when Peter finally came. You both laughed and drank more, as always genuinely enjoying each other’s company. You went outside for some fresh air the mix of alcohol and room temperature making you hot. Peter walked with you his arm around your side keeping from falling over in your shoes. You had been talking about random things, the party, how happy Malia looked, how cute she looked with stiles. “You look pretty cute tonight yourself” Peter said fixing a piece of that had fallen on your face. You didn’t answer Peter instead of the mix of alcohol and the build-up of feelings you had for Peter, you stood on your toes kissing him.
Peter returned your kiss holding you close running his hands in your hair. The kiss was magical sudden, sweet, full of uncertainty. You stopped and smiled at Peter, before you both leaned in for another kiss this time fast and full of passion, your hands on his chest blindly trying to undo his buttons, his hands on your back and hair holding you close. You stop when you needed to breathe “Let’s go back to mine” you said trying to sound flirty walking backwards looking him in the eyes. You didn’t see a branch behind you and fell over it, Peter dived forward catching you before you hit the floor. You started laughing putting your arms around his neck going to kiss him again. Peter turned his head helping you to your feet “I can’t do this it’s wrong” he said about to walk back to the party “why not!” you screamed still finding your balance “look at the state of you y/n” he answered.

Tears ran down your face now just as they had then. Your breathing was erratic and your heartbeat matched. Peter looked at you shocked but still held a small smile. He walked closer to you making you back up till your back hit the lift wall. “you have it all wrong y/n” he was so close to you now, something about him towering above you made your breathing calm. “I didn’t reject you, I wanted nothing more then to go home with you, rip that pretty little dress off and mark you as mine but I couldn’t do it to you not like that” he said telling you his version.

Peter hadn’t officially been invited by stiles who had organised the party so he wasn’t going to just turn up. He had already seen his daughter earlier in the day. When y/n had messaged him for the 3rd time in two hours he had to go. When he got there she was already drunk. Peter was amused at first he’d never seen y/n drunk before, she was more flirty than normal her hands roamed round his body on the few times she’s gotten him to dance with her. Peter could tell she’d had to much to drink so when she went for a walk he went to make sure she didn’t hurt herself. Y/n had stumbled a few times Peter held her so she didn’t fall. He’d loved how it felt his arm around her just the two of them walking like any of the other couples in the party but he and y/n wasn’t a couple and Peter would give anything to change that.

When she kissed him he felt like all his wishes had been answered. Seeing her wanting him was different it made him want her more too. he kissed her back running his hands over her back and in her hair, when she asked him to go with her she nearly fell. Peter then saw how drunk she really was, her giggles the way she was throwing herself at him didn’t feel right. He wanted her but only when she was so drunk she couldn’t say her own name without slurring it. Peter stopped her saying he couldn’t. When she asked why Peter tried to explain “I can’t look at the state of you” Peter said. She had tears down her face making Peter feel bad “it’s not that I don’t like you I don’t want this to happen when your wasted I can’t take advantage of you like that no matter how bad I want it” Peter said but she acted like she hadn’t heard a word of it. Her eyes focused on the floor her body jerk before she vomited all over the floor. Peter held her hair until she finished then drove her home putting her in bed.

“leaving when I knew you was safe and okay” Peter finished. You looked at Peter in confusion “your the one who took me home” you say after you slowly filled in the final missed memories of that night. He nodded at you, “of cause I did  y/n” putting his arms either side of your head “you twisted my words round y/n, I only pushed you away because you were drunk, I wanted you like crazy” his eyes went from yours to your lips back to eyes “I still do” he said stopping himself from getting any closer. You blushed biting your lip “so do I” you mumbled. Peter didn’t wait any longer when he heard your sober words was all he needed, he leaned forward kissing you rough and fast. You kissed him back with as much passion you had the night of the party showing him you wanted him now just as much as you had when you was drunk.

The noise of the lift starting up again made your heated kiss stop. You both looked at each other words not needed everything had just been said in the kiss. When the doors opened Peter slipped his hand into yours walking out the lift.

Word count: 2062

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