chapter 30. off day

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WilburSoot is going live!

MCC practice with Tommy, Ranboo and Phil

Sienna gripped the bag that held Wilbur's food. He was at his office to practice MCC with his team. She was very happy to find out that him, Ranboo, Phil and Tommy were in the same team.

Although she was still very much happy that Tubbo was happy with his team. She also loved to tease Sapnap and George about not being able to be in the team with each other. She was very happy for her friends. She knew that they were very talented because she knew for a fact that she would easily get frustrated in the games but she did love to watch them play and enjoy it.

She walked to her best friend's office and the moment she knocked and opened the door she heard him talking about random shit as usual.

Wilbur looked up and smiled wide, "Why hello." He greeted her. She chuckled and placed his food on the table, "I have brought you food." She said.

He took off his headphones and handed it to her, "I am actually needed in the office, I have to pay rent before they change their mind of not getting me evicted." He said as he stood up.

"Entertain them please." He said as he walked out. Sienna sighed and realized he had his face cam on as always. She wasn't exactly feeling it that day but her best friend was out so she sat down and put on the headphones.

"WILBUR WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" she heard Tommy yell. "Shut up Tommy." She mumbled as she looked at herself on the stream. She gulped, she didn't like herself today.

The three of the players heard something off with her voice. "Sienna! How have you been?" Ranboo asked as he opened Wilbur's stream. The moment it opened he frowned. He saw how she kept pursing her lips and glancing at herself on screen.

He kept talking to her as he whispered to Tommy and Phil about how she was acting. "So any tea you wanna spill with us?" Tommy asked as he tried to distract her.

"What? No nothing." She muttered as she moved Wilbur's character. "Okay how do we play this?" she asked as she turned to face Phil's character. "You jump through the spaces and make sure to not fall." He explained.

As Sienna played with Phil, Ranboo was messaging Dream while Tommy teased her, trying to make her laugh. It worked for a bit until Wilbur walked back in.

"Did you have fun?" he asked softly. He knew how she was feeling that day. He moved and kissed her forehead, "I played hole in the wall?" she asked. Phil hummed, "You did. And she did well didn't she chat?" he asked.

Chat agreed with him making her smile. "Aww that was sweet chat. Thank you Phil." She said as she took off the headphones and passed it to Wil. "I have to go guys." She said as she waved away the camera.

"Eat." She said as she pushed the bag to him. He hummed and nodded as he sat on his chair. "You okay?" he asked. Sienna shrugged and was about to answer when her phone rang.

She looked down and smiled a little. "Yeah. I'll be here, I don't wanna go home alone." She mumbled. He nodded as she sat down. "Hello?" she asked not turning her camera on.

"What's wrong bub?" he asked with a frown. She hummed, "Nothing." She mumbled. Dream furrowed his eyebrows, "Then why's your camera off." He pointed out.

Sienna gulped, "I don't feel like it Dre." She mumbled. Dream sighed and tilted his head, he moved around and Sienna pursed her lips as she watched.

"Well me and Patches miss seeing your face." He said as he propped his phone and raised the cat close to his face. Sienna chuckled and shook her head, "I miss her very much." She said.

Dream gasped and pouted, "You don't miss me?" he asked. Sienna let out a laugh which got picked up by Wilbur's mic. The boy however was not phased, knowing fully well that she was talking to Dream.

"Who's Sienna talking to?" Tommy asked with a smirk because he knew who she was talking to. Wilbur shrugged not answering. The team continued on practicing while Dream kept trying on making her laugh and turn on her camera.

"Please." Dream whined and Sienna huffed, "No." she mumbled as she pursed her lips. He sighed, "You're not okay bubs." He whispered. Sienna sighed, "I'm just not feeling it bubby." She mumbled.

Wilbur raised his eyebrows in shock but still not looking at her, Dream stopped and looked at her in shock. "What?" he asked. Sienna watched him, the way his eyes sparkled, cheeks flushed and mouth agape. It brought a smile to her face, she realized how much affect she had to him.

She leaned her head on the cushion of the couch and opened her camera. Dream smiled at the action, she sent him a smile. "Hello there." he greeted with a grin.

"Hi." She muttered. "You look cute." He said but she huffed, frowning. Dream furrowed his eyebrows, "What are you thinking about?" he asked. She was about to answer but he cut her off, "You look cute- nope scratch that, pretty gorgeous if you ask me." He said with a smile.

Sienna scoffed, "Do not pull my tail Dre." She said with a frown. He sighed and grabbed the phone as he stared at her. "Sienna." He said sternly. She hummed and sunk further in the couch. "No stop that." He said.

She didn't listen though and moved the camera away. "Sienna Marie Preston you will show me that beautiful face or I will fly over there now." He said.

Sienna peeked in the screen and raised an eyebrow at him, "No you won't. You can't." she mumbled. "I can as well try." He grumbled. They stared at each other, studying their expressions.

"You are beautiful Sienna. Do not think otherwise because if you will I will fly over there and hug you and whisper how much you are and don't stop until you do believe it." He said. Sienna just stared at him and he sighed.

"Bubs..." he trailed. She hummed and he smiled, "You. Are. Beautiful." He sternly said. She was about to say something but he cut her off.

"And do not dare think otherwise because the only opinion that matters is yours and those that love you. And I love you so my opinion matters all you have to do is believe." He said. Her mouth gaped at him and he tilted his head.

"And until you believe I will remind you because you are utterly beautiful bubs, this is just a bad day. It's just a bump in the road and I will always remind you of that because you deserved to be loved, cared and appreciated." He said.

Sienna's eyes widened at his words, "Um..." she muttered. Dream chuckled and tilted his head and motioned for her to go on. She sighed, "You just said, those that love me." She pointed out.

This made Dream stop, he gulped and smiled at her, "I thought it was obvious bubs." He said. Sienna stared at him, as if wanting to say it back, Dream saw it.

"You don't have to say it yet. I can wait." He said with a reassuring smile. Sienna sighed and nodded, "All I want to know is that if you still don't believe that you look beautiful today." He said.

Sienna huffed, "Well, the person that loves me thinks I do so, a little bit." She admitted with a blush. He let out a laugh, "Well let me make sure you fully believe before the day ends." He said.

"It's almost midnight for us bubby." She whispered. Dream huffed, "Then don't hang up until you believe me." He said. Sienna smiled and nodded, "Okay." She whispered which made him smile and nod. "Okay."

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