chapter 6. are you okay?

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Sienna Preston, writer, translator and streamer almost slips in revealing the name of her ex-boyfriend in her best friend, Wilbur Soot's You Laugh You Lose stream with Niki Nihaachuu.

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Dream paced in his living room, Sapnap and Drista watching him as he panicked about the fact that Sienna was trending on Twitter.

Sapnap looked down on his phone and sighed, "A few people are theorizing and listing down any possible names that starts with Cla." He said.

Drista hummed and pulled out her phone, "Clary, Clarence- Eww, Clarence." She said. Dream stopped and looked at her. "Sorry." She muttered when she caught sight of his gaze.

"Dream, they're not gonna figure it out." Sapnap said but Dream shook his head. "How can they not? The fact that we both talked about each other and I'm dumb enough to actually give great clues and the fact that Drista and Tommy just announced that my name is Clay. And the fact that my fans are like monster detectives, how can they not get it?" he asked, panicking.

Dream's phone dinging, stopping him from pacing, it was George.

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"Sienna." George said from the other line. She found herself plopping on her bed. Not even daring to speak, clearly not having energy to do so.

"I'm not gonna ask if you're okay but what I'm gonna ask is if you need me there." George said. Sienna sighed, "No you just got back." She mumbled.

"But if you need me-" "I need you to make sure that Dream is okay." She cut him off. George's eyebrows shot up, "Excuse me did you just tell me to ask Dream how he is?" he asked her.

Sienna groaned, "Do I have to repeat myself George?" she asked him. "No you don't. I'm just confused why you would want to-" "Because I'm worried. I don't wanna ruin his career when the fans find out." She cut him off.

George sighed, "You won't." "Will you just please ask him George." She begged. He licked his lips, "Tell me Sienna, why do you suddenly care and don't give me the same reason." He asked sternly.

Sienna stayed quiet as she could practically hear her heart hammering in her chest. "Sienna, do you still-" "Yes. Now will you please just ask him?" She whispered.

He gasped a little, "You're my best friend Sienna and I just found out that you still care about your ex. You need me." He argued. "George I need you to make sure that Dream is alright because if he is then I will be too." She said.

George sighed, "You better answer my call Sienna." He muttered as he hung up and quickly texted Dream.

»»————- ☾ ————-««

"Call me now." Dream, shakily dialed George's number and breathed in as he listened to the ringing. After three rings the British answered.

"Dream did you see?" George asked breathlessly. Dream let out a breath "I did yeah, is she okay? I mean, she's not used to this and we talked about and you told me what Wilbur told you that she wouldn't be under this attention-"

"Dream." George cut him off with a sigh. "Yeah?" Dream asked with a breath. "Are you okay?" he asked. Dream was taken back, "George I'm fine." He said.

"I called Sienna and she was asking for you." George explained. "What?" Dream asked a clear confused voice was heard through the line.

"She wanted to make sure you were okay. She was worried that if the fans found out it would affect your career." George continued. "She said that?" Dream asked in which he got a hum from his friend.

"Why- why would she ask that? I hurt her George." He said guiltily. George let out a scoff, "Believe me Dream I am as confused as you are. But she still insists, she cares about you despite what happened. I don't think she ever stopped." George whispered.

If it was possible, Dream's heart would have jumped out of his chest, not out of joy and excitement but rather of guilt. The girl that he let go and hurt, his soulmate still asks about him. Despite all the pain she endured.

"Well I'll be fine if she is." He said. George let out a frustrated groan, "You two are impossible." He grumbled. Dream furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean?" he asked.

"She said the exact same thing." George explained. Silence engulfing the two of them. Not knowing what to do.

There was so much going on in Dream's head, he wished, prayed, hoped and even begged that the fans wouldn't figure it out. After all this time, he still wanted to keep her safe, like always.

"You both still care for each other, I don't understand why you two just won't talk about-" George was cut off by Dream who sighed, "Tell her I'm fine and I'll take care of it if it goes too far." He said.

"You know she'll say that you won't have to." George said and Dream nodded, "I know but you know I still always do." He said stubbornly making George roll his eyes. "You're literal soulmates! Here comes the moment and you both act like there's nothing else there but in reality you're both too coward to admit it."

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