chapter 9. news

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»»————- ☾ ————-««


mamabee // siennaspeaks

It was the best moments of my life. Moments I can't find myself forgetting.

 Moments I can't find myself forgetting

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»»————- ☾ ————-««

Everyone was relieved that the people accepted it better than they expected. There a few negatives but the positives over powered them.

It took a while for everything to die down, everyone shocked at the news but eventually gotten used to it. So there they were, Sienna brought both her best friends out for lunch in London.

After hunting down a Nandos, the three of them were enjoying their food. George and Wilbur bickering as usual and chatting about the SMP but Sienna had news. Something that changes a lot of things.

"Boys." She said. The two of them looked at her, "You both know I love you right?' she asked. Wilbur raised an eyebrow at her while George pursed his lips.

"Just say it." Wilbur said making George chuckle. Sienna huffed and wiped her mouth, "I got a job offer." She said. The boys grinned at her, "Congratulations!" they said.

Sienna smiled but hummed, "It's not here though." She said. "Where is it then?" George asked, feeling something off about it. She gulped and pursed her lips.

Wilbur studied her actions, something was off and he knew it. "Bee..." he whispered and she sighed. "It's in Florida." She said.

"In Florida?!" they yelled. "Eh! Shh!" she scolded them and hit their heads. "Will you two quiet down?" she groaned. George stared at her in shock, despite how great the outcome was, he never expected for her to actually go to the extent of going back.

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