Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Thank you. These nerves will be the end of me." Hibaaq chuckled softly.

"Let's greet our guests." Layla took a hold of Hibaaq's hand and led them into the lively pool of circulating folk. She greeted familiar faces light heartedly, embracing old friends from high-school with a cordial smile

"Feeling accomplished?" A warm and resonant voice pulled her away from the mingling crowd. Hibaaq turned around to view Ercole standing behind her, hands casually tucked away in his dress pant pocket's. She almost embraced him like she did her lady friends before she quickly stopped herself mid action. Her arms fell accordingly to her sides, and her heels lowered back down to the floor. She could only hope he hadn't noticed her slight mishap.

"Like everyone else in here." Hibaaq replied, smiling.

She laughed quietly when a familar adeer strode up to her with determination. He stopped in front her, his aged face beaming as he firmly shook her hand. Her favourite timir vendor then winked before continuing on his way towards the group of uncles who made a small clique on a far table to the back of the venue.

Ercole silently watched on as she helplessly got swept into another pleasantry after the other, and he was sure that she had forgotten about him, but he didn't mind at all. He took his time prolonging the first gaze his eyes had set upon her before he was
obliged to look away by modesty. He didn't know if what he was feeling was simply curiosity reeling him into the fascinating source that was Hibaaq Cali, or if it was just his boyish desires. Though it was much more than that. Each day, his heart would ache with longing, it had punctured a gradual gaping hole in his chest, one that only she could possibly fill. Perhaps his interest was just admiration, impelled by her brilliant mind and wisdom as if she had been living on earth way beyond her years. Somewhat it was, though only partially. What he was feeling was deeper, more meaningful and it was whole, he could almost reach out and touch it.

"Where is my father?"

Ercole quickly registered where he was and where he still stood, he gazed down at her. The people she was engaged in conversation with had dispersed. She stared back up at him, perplexed. "Earth to Ercole." Hibaaq jested.

He let out a low laugh, causing the sound to reverberate intensely in her chest and throughout her whole body. Her smile wavered at the effect he had on her, pushing her mind towards a looming array of questions, though his rich voice pulled her out of it before it had the chance to initiate.

"He's somewhere in here." Ercole trailed off, eyes scanning the sea of people, some standing around just like they were, some sitting. Then his searching gaze landed on its target. Warsame conversed exuberantly with fellow businessmen off to the side of the venue, evidently, the life of the party for his animated and elaborate speaking had his listeners bursting out in robust laughter.

Hibaaq followed his direct line of sight until she saw her father. She covered her mouth as she chuckled, watching him amusedly. "He's always in such a bubbly mood." She remarked.

Ercole made a challenging expression, his thick eyebrow rising.

"Well then, I guess you haven't seen him in action yet." He stated.

Hibaaq quizzically scoffed, making her way over to the two sets of the stretching tables of food and drink, aware that he was close behind. She picked up a glass bottle of soda, popping the aluminium lid open with her teeth. She was glad Layla wasn't around to witness the action she deemed as a crime, scolding her of the damages it could cause.

"Of course I have, I've visited him at work and he's always in the same mood." She argued, bringing the rim up to her lips. The speech, though it was short, left her mouth dry and in need of moisture. Hibaaq knew it was the nerves, and perhaps the way she had been sucking in air through her clenched teeth the whole time.

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