"HEY!!" Wilbur spoke as he approached the two boy

"Hi Will" George spoke happily

"Hey wilbur" Dream added

"Common, follow me. I want to introduce you to our band members!" Wilbur spoke hurley before leading them towards the doorway.

"This is Joe, Ash and Mark!" Wilbur spoke introducing them.

"Hey" One of the band members waved

"Hi its nice to meet you" George spoke offering a smile

"Anyways these are the songs we've been working on '' Wilbur spoke as he handed George sheets of lyrics.

George started looking through them, Dream looking over Georges should try to get a glance at them as well.

"Woah wilbur these are like super sick" George exclaimed

"They are! how come you never told us about this?!" Dream asked

"I don't know, I guess it just never really came up"

"Ok you guys ready?" Wilbur asked as he looked back at the rest of the band members

"Yeah" They answered

"1.., 2.., 3..

So what's it to you?

You're down another 8-Ball

I haven't even got a cue

And you look dreadful

When you jump to what you'll resort to

Singing, "Charles, we ain't gonna hurt you"

When there's fuck-all-else to do"

Dream and George both looked at each other with a shocked expression. George followed along reading the lyrics from the sheet of paper Wilbur had given him.

"So what's it to you?

You're down another 8-Ball

I haven't even got the cue

And you look dreadful

When you jump to what you'll resort to

Singing, "Charles, we ain't gonna hurt you" Wilbur held the microphone close to him preparing himself for the high note, while shutting his eyes tightly when singing it.

"When there's fuck-all-else to do" he sang almost perfectly

Dream looked down at George with a smile on his face. George is still staring at the sheet of papers only ever looking up at Wilbur and the band for moments at a time.

"You could knock the wind out of my breath

(I said there's no cause for-)

And you could kick the teeth into my head

Still, there's no cause for concern"

We ain't gonna hurt you

We ain't gonna hurt you

We ain't gonna hurt you

'Cause when there's fuck-all-else to do"

Throughout the entire song the smile never left Dreams face. With every high note, Wilbur managed to do perfectly.

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