"Hello, Wesley Incorporated. My name is Rita, how can I help?" Rita's cheerful voice answered.

Effie took a deep breath before replying. "Hi Rita, it's Effie. I'm not coming in today. There is some family drama going on at home. Could you tell Mr Wesley I will be in tomorrow, thanks. I won't be picking up any calls for the rest of the day."

She heard Rita whispering to someone and the phone line went all funny before she came back on to her, "okay Effie, no problem. I will let Mr Ace Wesley know. Hope it is all okay. See you tomorrow girl."

Effie hung up, suddenly exhaling, not realising she was holding her breath throughout the entire conversation. She looked down at her phone on the floor as it started pinging repeatedly, again and again and again. She sighed, expecting it to be Ace trying to get through to her but as she brought the phone in front of her, her heart dropped. Three messages from an unknown number...

'Found you baby girl. Your parents would be so disappointed getting involved with a Wesley boy.'

'Souls meet for a reason. You have met your match. We are not that different after all. When a soul finds comfort in another separation is no longer possible. We are brought together by fate, no accident. You needed a reason to live. He needed someone to show him how to love.'

'Recognise that quote from anywhere Effie? You can't run, you can't hide. We look forward to meeting you very, very soon.'

Effie threw her phone to the floor, her heart beating at speed as she ran to the front door, grabbing her bags as she looked around the hallway worriedly and slammed the door. She couldn't breathe, her mouth dry, her body shaking. She ran to the living room and grabbed the photo frame, the glass cutting her fingers until blood covered the floor around her. She put the family photo in her pocket for safe keeping and lay down on the fluffy carpet beneath her, not caring her blood-stained hands were making the cream colour go a deep red. She struggled to swallow; her whole body numbed by her pain. She felt heart-broken and alone, not seeing a way out. She crawled across the carpet until she reached her tired looking sofa and pulled herself up. She sniffled as she pulled the purple blanket on the side around her, cocooning herself within it to make her feel some comfort. She closed her eyes, letting her tears fall freely from her eyes and slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.

Twenty minutes later she woke to her front door slamming shut and a voice screaming her name. Whoever it was came up to her on the sofa and shook her shoulders aggressively. "Effie! Effie, you stupid bitch, get the fuck up."

Effie sat up, looking around her to get her bearings. "Woah, woah, okay, I'm awake. What are you doing here?"

Hayley shook her head, standing up angrily and folding her arms across her chest, "Rita called me. She said you had called in sick with some family drama but when she spoke to Ace he said you had no family to have drama with so she panicked."

"Right. Nice to know he cares enough to come round himself..." Effie said bitterly.

Hayley dragged Effie off the sofa to her feet turning her hands over, "why is there blood everywhere? What did you cut?"

Effie looked on the carpet and followed the trail of blood on the floor to the empty picture frame. She looked at her hands again. Dried blood stained them but there was no fresh blood anywhere, the cuts from the glass having healed. She looked at the time on her phone, it had only been twenty minutes, there was no way her cuts would have healed that quickly. "Effie! You're scaring me. What the hell has happened here? It's a mess!"

Effie looked around her, remembering the state she found it in. "Erm, it was Cade. Said he was looking for something. He managed to destroy the flat in the process though."

Love me or hate me it's still an obsessionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang