Effie sat back down at her desk feeling emotionally exhausted as an email from Steve Wesley pinged into her inbox. The subject stated 'URGENT' and Effie felt the need to open it straightaway, dreading another huge document for her to sift through. Much to her surprise, however, it was an invitation to the next event he was holding for a charity they had all been supporting the last few weeks. 

Rita walked past as Effie's shoulders heaved up and down. "You okay?" she said worriedly.

Effie glanced at her and nodded tirelessy, "another event! Tomorrow night! I honestly don't know how you keep up with finding a new outfit for all these formalities."

Rita laughed, "oh Effie. You'll get used to it and maybe even start to enjoy them..."

Effie shook her head and buried her head in her hands, frustrated at the turn of events and how much she dreaded these things now even more so since Ace wasn't there. 


The following 24 hours seemed to fly by and soon enough Effie was standing in the middle of a large hall, every inch decorated perfectly for Steve's charity event. Effie had beelined the alcohol as soon as she arrived and had then found Rita so she didn't get stuck talking with a colleague she would have had to make an effort with. Effie clinked her glass against Rita's, trying to enjoy the low-key event around them. Steve Wesley had decided last minute to make the event a joint welcome home party for his beloved son Alistair, who had decided that morning that he was coming home, no longer needed in America. "I swear to god these events are gonna be the death of me", Effie whispered behind her glass to Rita.

Rita smirked, staring at Steve like she was listening to every word of his speech about his son, "don't bet on it. I reckon there are a lot of worse things that could kill you off first. Like that arrogant Wesley over there..." She nodded towards Alistair who had just arrived looking fresh faced and dressed up. 

Effie could feel her skin crawl, she despised Alistair, more than she thought she could ever despise anyone. He was the reason Ace had left her without any sort of goodbye, whisking him off to party with thousands of girls, using their name, power and money to get anyone they wanted. She saw Suzie's face light up at the sight of him appearing next to his dad, proud of his achievements for the company. "Want to get another drink?" Rita whispered, noticing Effie's glass empty.

Effie looked at her and nodded, not wanting to listen to anymore of Steve and Alistair's prepared speeches. Rita watched Effie closely, how every so often she looked around, knowing exactly who she was looking around for. The last month had been tough on Effie, she had been emailing blunt replies to and fro with Ace whilst he was away and then every so often she would be forwarded a whole work email from Steve to show how much fun his sons were having in America. "Any plans for the weekend Effie?" Rita asked, trying to interrupt Effie's thoughts. She could see how drained and tired Effie looked, like she was trying desperately to hold herself together but could break at any second.

Effie shook her head, "no, not really. I might tidy the flat or something and then I will probably see the girls at some point. You?"

Rita chewed her lip, "not really sure actually, depends how things unfold. I have been talking to this guy online..."

Effie completely blanked out, swirling the champagne in her glass and sipping it every so often. She couldn't focus on anything at the moment, Ace racing through her mind constantly. She had tried desperately to forget about him but each day something reminded her of him, whether it was someone asking if she preferred tea or coffee, asking about her job, where she lived, what her favourite food was. Her dreams were filled with him – tucking her hair behind her ear, a surprise date night, kissing in the rain, watching the sun set and rise together, opening the car door for her or the 'I've missed you' pick me up hug... It was all she could do to just get out of bed each morning.

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