Chapter 27

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Jimin's POV

I stared at the both of them, mouth agape, "You don't mean to say-"

"Yes," MiMi started, "I can't believe they managed to evade us for so long!"

"I know, right," Taehyung mused, "Like, who would've even thought that our Jungkookie and Seungie would end up together?"

"WHAT?!" I gasped as my mind started to go back to everything that had happened between them.

That day at the infirmary, I thought, Kook wasn't in the room when Seung's 'baby' called him.

"Uh, yes?" Mi asked, chuckling at my expression, "What did you think we were talking about?"

"I thought it was Jungkook and Sarang!" I laughed along with them, till slightly confused, "How did you figure it out though?"

"You didn't notice?" Taehyung asked, and I shook my head, "You are stupid, Jiminie. They were wearing couple bracelets."


"Not the same color, but the design was the same," Mi leaned back against the headboard, "Besides, their fights aren't as intense as before. And-"

"Let me talk too!" Taehyung whined, and Mi rolled her eyes, "Kook was acting suspiciously at the infirmary. He wasn't acting like he usually does. And remember how Seung reacted when he found out that Eunha has been trying to get to Kookie? He got jealous."

They chuckled as I blinked owlishly back at them, "I accept that you guys are smart for this once."

Both of them smiled before realizing it wasn't a compliment. Mi was gonna say something when her phone rang. She looked at the screen, frowning.

"It's Yeonjun. I wonder what's up," She quickly attended the call, before putting it on speaker when Taehyung gestured her to.

"Ah, Yeonjun-ah," She smiled, "What's up?"

"Noona," I stifled a giggle at his done tone, "I need your help with something."

"What happened?"

"Taehyun and Beomgyu aren't talking. Like, at all."

We all frowned. Those two don't fight often.

"What? Why?" Taehyung asked, slightly worried.

We heard Yeonjun sigh on the other end, "Taehyun was ignoring Gyu since morning. Gyu being Gyu, started pestering him to know what was wrong. Well, you know how Tyun can get. He got really mad at him, and Beomgyu refuses to talk to him until Tyun gives him a reason. I, Soobin, and Kai tried to intervene but they won't listen to us!"

"Don't worry, Jun," Mi said in a reassuring tone, "Can I talk to Tyun?"

"Yeah," There was some rustling on the other end before a loud shout of 'Kang Taehyun!' was heard. We waited until we heard Tyun's voice on the other end.

"Oh, noona, what's up?"

"Why did you get mad at Gyu?" Mi got straight to the point, voice stern yet soft.

A sigh was heard, "It's – it's just that- that- I-"

"You like him, don't you?" I asked, smiling when I heard his breath hitch slightly.

Another sigh, "Yeah, I do. I like him a- a lot. It's just- it's driving me crazy, hyung. He's just- he's so- I'm scared I'll just kiss him or something!"

"So you're avoiding him?" Taehyung sounded amused, and when I looked at him, I noticed him smiling softly at Mi. I rolled my eyes.


"Yeah," More shuffling, followed by a 'can't you just sit down somewhere you idiot' from Yeonjun, before Tyun spoke again, "Mm. I- I didn't mean to shout at him. I-I just- I kept trying to avoid him and he just kept on trying to get my attention. What should I do?"

"Talk to him, Tyun," Mi said, "Apologize, and tell him why you got mad. I'm sure he'll-"

"I- I can't just go and tell him that I like him, noona!" Taehyun sounded mortified, "He-"

"That's not good, Tyun," Taehyung sighed, "Stop thinking about it like that. From what I've seen, Gyu's head-over-heels for you. Just tell him."

I snorted, and they looked at me weirdly.

You coward, I thought, You could never tell Mi what you feel but you are advising someone else?

"You think so?" Taehyun sounded so hopeful that I almost cooed, "Then I should just go for it. Bye guys, thank you for the advice!"

He immediately hung up.

"Did he just hang up on us?" Taehyung made a disbelieving face, and we all laughed before Mi started again.

"Getting back on track, how do we get Kook and Seung to tell us that they're together?"

We were so immersed in the planning process that we didn't notice Hobi hyung standing at the entrance to the room.

A/N: Sorry for the late update! This chapter is for one of my readers, 9o9102, as it is their birthday. Happy birthday!

And I need to tell you guys this. I have a life out of this app. I have three books to write. I don't get time to write often. Please understand.

Love yourself, stay safe. Borahae!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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