Chapter 15

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Taehyung's POV

"I'm so so excited!"

Petal sang as she danced around our room. And yes, I didn't get it wrong. Our room. We shifted dorms last week and I and Soo Mi decided to room together.

I chuckled softly at her excitement, "What're you so excited about?"

She turned to me with a disbelieving expression, "Tae, you have already asked me this question 3 times today! Are you that forgetful?" I smiled sheepishly and she rolled her eyes before replying, "Haewon unnie, Suzy unnie, and Minji unnie are coming over, remember now?"

"Oh right," I rubbed my nape in embarrassment, "I forgot."

She rolled her eyes again before moving towards the door.

"I'm going downstairs. You coming?"I shook my head and she walked out of the room.

I had turned to the mirror to comb my hair when I noticed her standing at the doorway, an uncertain expression on her face. I turned back to her. "What's up?"

She smiled nervously, "C-can I get a hug first?"

I raised my eyebrow before nodding and opening my arms wide. She hugged me and I wrapped my arms around her. I buried my nose into her hair and smiled softly when she sighed into my chest.

We stayed like that for some time. That was, until-

"Are you guys- whoa what's going on here?" 

Jimin shrieked. We broke apart and I turned to him with an annoyed expression.

"Have you heard of something called 'hugging'?" He smirked a bit and I rolled my eyes as Petal giggled softly. "They're here; that's why I came here," said Jimin, and I punched the air in happiness before scooping Petal into my arms (bridal-style of course), causing her to yelp in surprise, and rushing downstairs.

The three noonas were talking to the hyungs and Jungkookie. When they noticed us coming, they smiled. Then Jungkook started laughing.

"Why are you carrying her?"

Petal smacked my arm, whispering, "Put me down, idiot." I just smirked but put her down anyways. And to answer the questioning and teasing looks from the guys, she said, "Tae's excited, that's all."

After the initial greetings and small talk, everyone divided into small groups to talk. Kook was talking non-stop about some video games, and I was bored. So, I looked over to the side the girls were sitting.

Petal was laughing at something the noonas had said. She is so beautiful, I said to myself, smiling softly. And almost as if she had sensed my gaze on her, she looked up.

As soon as she met my eyes, she looked to her side, eyes widening and teeth nibbling softly at her lips. When I looked closely, I observed, with great happiness, a beautiful blush coloring her cheeks. I smirked, but when I turned back to the rest of the guys, they were staring teasingly at me. I stuck my tongue out and they burst out laughing.

Suddenly the doorbell started ringing.

Petal went to the door and I heard her say, "Jihyun? What are you doing here?"


Jihyun was here, and I was beyond irritated when she insisted on playing truth or dare with us. She got the first chance of course, but I was surprised when she chose Petal instead of me.

She chose truth and Jihyun asked, "Is it true that your neck is extremely sensitive?" Petal nodded, looking a bit weirded out by the question. She turned to Jimin and dared him to kiss Yoongi hyung, which was quite sweet I must admit. 

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