Chapter 22

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Soo Mi's POV

"Something's up, don't you think?"I turned to look at Tae, who nodded immediately with a contemplative expression on his face.

Yeah, something was up.

It's been 2 weeks since the jjajjangmyeon incident, and things have been looking up for us. Love Yourself: Her has been getting so much love and support from ARMY all around the world, and we're really happy even if our request for a break was denied (because the company said that our schedules were too full and that they'd give us a break as soon as the schedules calmed down a bit.)

But the most important thing was that Jungkook had gone back to his normal happy and hyper self. One could even say that he was being too hyper than usual. It was cute to see the maknae prancing around the room, giggling as he played jokes on us and teased us; but going kinda overboard with it wasn't his thing. I and Tae were currently in our room discussing the same issue.

"You're right, bear," Tae's deep voice broke me out of my Jungkook-induced reverie, "Like, he's always been hyper and stuff, but not this much. And in my entire existence, I've never seen Jeon Jungkook out of anyone giggling at their phone. It's getting to the point it scares me."

I frowned at his words, "Giggling at his phone? That isn't like him at all! What do you think he's so happy about? The album's popularity? Or-"

"Oh please," Tae interrupted, sporting his that's-so-stupid-do-you-even-hear-yourself-now expression, "I'm ready to bet everything Gucci I own that it's not the album. Sarang, maybe?"

I sat up straighter on the bed. That was a possibility that I hadn't considered before; maybe he and Sarang are finally together?

"That – I never actually considered that possibility!" I clutched onto Tae's forearm, feeling excitement bubbling within me, "Maybe they are finally together and decided to follow the tradition?"

"Tradition?" Tae asked, furrowing his eyebrows and pouting in confusion, "What tradition?"

"I mean," I started, "Almost everyone who is in a relationship in our group kept it a secret for a while before finally telling us. What if they thought of that too?"

"But bear, do you think Sarang would actually- no, wait, it's Sarang," Tae corrected himself, "We never what she can do."

I laughed a bit before relaxing into a soft smile, "You're right."

This statement left a comfortable silence between us, before Tae said, "I love how there are so many couples among us, and just how happy they seem to be with each other."

I allowed myself to sneak a quick look at him, "Me too. They can be cute and gross at the same time. It's so- Tae?"

I froze when I felt his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. Just a look into his eyes, and I knew what he was gonna do.

I watched, still frozen, as his eyes stuttered down from my eyes to my lips. My heart rate increased in apprehension, but at the same time, I felt something different.

Something that felt like it was pushing me down.

Don't let him, Soo Mi, for hell's sake.

As soon as he leaned in, I dodged, pushing him softly, and moving backward. I didn't look at him for a while, but when I did...

I never knew expressions could hurt.

He looked so hurt, so confused.

Maybe because I had never done this before.

Maybe because I had always let him kiss me.

Maybe because I had always kissed back.

"I- I'm sorry, Petal," Tae started, voice low, eyes not meeting mine, "I shouldn't have – I'll just- I'll just go."

"No, wait!" I grabbed his wrist, standing up as well and pulling him into a hug, "I'm sorry too, Tae."

"You've nothing to be sorry for. I was the one always crossing the line," The way Tae's voice broke hurt me.

"Don't say that. Please," I cringed at how pathetic I sounded, "It's just- I- I feel as if we aren't supposed to do this, Tae. This is not best friends stuff. I feel as if- as if this is wrong! A-and besides, you're this close to asking Eunha out Tae. We can't keep pretending as if nothing happened. Specifically, we can't keep kissing. It- it just feels as if you're using my feelings, and- and it hurts; it really-"

"Using your what?!"

Goddamnit. I can't believe I said that.

I released Tae, stepping backward in horror. His blank expression scared me, honestly, and he just wouldn't make eye contact.

I felt my mouth go dry, "I- I promise, I'll explain. Everything. Every single thing. But I can't do this now. I promise I'll tell you everything. Until then-" I extended my arm to take his hand into my own, but withdrew it when he flinched back, "Until then, just- just- let's go back to what we were, yeah? P-please I-"

"Okay," His tone wouldn't reveal what was going on in his mind, and it scared me.

I nodded and rushed out of the room, closing the door and running down the stairs.

I need to talk to someone. Pronto.

I noticed Jimin on the sofa, talking to someone on the phone. I rushed towards him, and he hung up the call.

But before I could say anything, Jimin pulled me closer by the sleeve of my shirt, looking worried, "Seungmin's in the hospital. He fainted."

A/N: Hey! Long time no see! I was kinda busy with my other work so, yeah. Hope you like the chapter. Love yourself, and stay happy. Borahae!

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