Chapter 51

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It was now Sunday evening at 7 pm.
We were all sat at the dinner table eating.

T: So Nat, are you excited about your solo mission?
N: No actually, I'm really stressing about it.
T: Why? You've been on far more dangerous ones.
Me: Babe, didn't I tell you that I'll be fine and that you shouldn't stress about it?
N: I know but what if it happens again? I won't be there, and I don't want you to go through it alone.
P: What if what happens again?
Me: Babe, will it make you feel better if I tell them?
N: Only if you're comfortable but yes it would knowing that Tony will be there if it happens again.
Me: Ok love, I will. So...... (Turning to the rest) Don't get mad at me for not telling you this earlier...... But I was getting nightmares every night before I met Tasha. She found out the first day I was at the compound and decided to sleep in the same bed with me every night, because we accidentally fell asleep together and I didn't have a nightmare. I haven't had one since, because I sleep with her every night. So she is worried about the mission, because what if my nightmares return when she's not here. (I look down start playing with my fingers)
T: Heyy, don't do that.... (He put his hand on my hands) I know you do that when you're nervous and anxious. We're not mad or anything. I'm just glad you told me so that I can keep an eye on you when Nat's not here.
Me: Thanks brother.
T: And Nat..... Please don't worry about her and just focus on the mission. She will be fine with me.
N: Thanks Tony. And babe..... We will only get to talk for 5 minutes a day, otherwise they will be able to track my phone and my cover will be blown.
Me: That's ok love, 5 minutes is better than nothing at all.

Just then, Nat's phone started to ring and she quickly got up and went out of the house to talk to them.
It was Fury.

F: Hello there Agent Romanoff, how are you feeling about the mission
N: I'm actually quite pissed at you Fury. You said I won't get solo missions for at least a year and now I will be gone for 10 days at least.
F: 10 days? The mission is only 6.
N: Don't give me that crap Fury. You and I both know it will be longer.
F: Actually, yesterday Tony called me and yelled at me about your mission. So I have a proposal for you.
N: I'm listening.......
F: As you know, you were gonna have to retrieve some files and then do some observation for a couple of days.
N: Yes......
F: Well, after you retrieve the required files, you can come home and I'll send someone else to do the observing. But you cannot mention this to anyone else, not even Y/N. Only Tony knows. This is strictly off the books. You can tell Y/N after you return from your mission which I'm guessing will take you 2-3 days.
N: Ohh Myy Godd!! Thank you Fury!! I was really worried about the mission.
F: Don't mention it to anyone and have a great rest of your day. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye Agent Romanoff.
N: Bye Fury.

Nat got back inside and I can see that she was excited about something but was trying to hide it.
Me: Is everything ok love?
N: Yeah, don't worry. It was just Fury. He was giving me some info about the other guys and I found a weak spot I can use.
Me: That's my girl! (I said while giving her a kiss)
Mo: Aunt Tasha.....
N: Yeah little agent.
Mo: I wanna be just like you when I grow up.
N: Awwww..... With your skills, I think you would be better....

Morgan smiled form ear to ear.
Me: Ok, I'm offended!!
T: Me too!!
Me: Why don't you wanna be like me?
N: Are you jealous baby?
Mo: Aunt Tasha is just cooler.
N: I'm just cooler.
Me: And I'm going off to bed.

I got up and went to bed. After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door and it opened. It was Morgan.
Mo: Aunt Y/N? Are you mad at me?
Me: No sweetie, of course not. I was just kidding, I wish you turn out like Aunt Tasha too, she is strong, caring, thoughtful and stubborn like you. But don't tell her that I told you.

Morgan just gave me the tightest hug.
Me: I love you Agent-in-training.
M: I love you too. Now mommy says I have to go to bed. So when will I see you again?
Me: I have missions for a couple weeks but I promise after that I'll come and visit.
M: Can you bring aunt Tasha with you?
Me: Of course sweetie, now go to bed. I love you and I'll see you soon.
M: Good night aunt Y/N....
Me: Good night Agent-in-training......

After a couple of minutes, Nat came up and saw me sitting on the bed worried.
N: Heyy love, you ok?
Me: Yeah... yes, don't worry.
N: Love you know I'm gonna worry if you don't tell me what's bothering you.
Me: What if something happens to you while you're away? What if you get hurt?
N: Babe, don't do that to yourself. If you start with the what ifs you will not stop. I've been on countless missions before that were far more dangerous, I'll be fine I promise.
Me: I just want you to be safe. I want you to hold me in your arms.
N: Come here.... (Nat got on the bed and opened her arms for me to cuddle into her)

I got on top of her and clung to her like a koala.
Me: Promise me you'll be safe.
N: I promise and I'll be home before you know it. Now let's stay like this for a little while before we head back home.

After about 30 minutes, Tony knocked on the door.
T: Lovebirds!! Hurry up, we have to leave.
N: Coming.....
Me: Already? (I say while giving her a mischievous smile)
N: Ohh Myy Godd!! Do you have to make everything dirty?
Me: Come on love, let's go.

After saying goodbye to Pepper, we got into the car and headed home.
We got up to our room and immediately fell asleep.

Falling for Agent RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now