Chapter 8

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We went out to the car and I opened the door for her to get in.
Me: Ma'lady....
N: Thank you.

Afterwards, I got into the car and we started heading to the restaurant.
N: Where are we going? You still haven't told me. (Nat  asked being inpatient)
Me: If I tell you it wouldn't be a surprise now, would it Agent Romanoff?

Nat sighed and rolled her eyes whereas I just laughed.
After driving for about 15 minutes, Nat turned to me and started asking me questions.
N: Question. What is your happiest memory that you can think of?
Me: Well, the first one that came to mind was going to the carnival with Tony when I was 13. This was a couple of months before I was kidnapped. I had so much fun there. I remember laughing a lot and constantly teasing Tony. 
N: That's cute.
Me: Oh! We're here!!

We pull up to a very nice restaurant and Nat looked out of the window.
N: I can't let you take me here! It's too expensive and it's our first date!!
Me: You're worth it. Now let me take you to a romantic dinner.
N: No, I'm serious. I'm not going in there. Come on, I know a place. Let's go!!
Me: Agent Romanoff.... Let me spoil you a little. You deserve it.
N: I'm not going in there and that is final. Now don't be so stubborn and let's go. (Nat said getting excited)
Me: Well I don't know where I'm going....
N: That's ok. Let's switch and I'll drive.

Nat and I switched seats and we started driving.
After driving for about 10 minutes, it was getting really dark outside, so I turn to Nat and ask her in a childish tone:
Me: Agent Romanoff...... Pleaseeee tell me where we are going......
N: Be patient Y/N! It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you now, would it?
Me: Meanie! Using my own words against me!

After about 20 minutes, we pull around a corner and there were these huge lights.
She looked at me with a huge smile on her face and said:
N: Ok. After you told me your happiest memory was at the carnival, I remembered that this one just came to town. And after you pulled up to that restaurant, I knew I had to bring you here.

My eyes filled with happy tears and I gave her a tight hug.
N: Come on!! Let's go!! 

Nat got out of the car and ran to open my door.
We went in hand in hand and started looking around.

After about and hour of playing games, I saw a basketball game.
I turned to Nat and excitedly said:
Me: I have a challenge for you Agent Romanoff....
N: I'm listening.....
Me: Whoever wins at basketball, gets to smash a pie into the loser's face!!
N: You're on!!
She happily accepted the challenge and we started playing.
I was winning by 1 basket when suddenly she pushed my with her hips and I fell on the floor.
She used my falling to even out the score and then got ahead by 1 basket.
After about 30 seconds, the time was up and she had won by 1 basket.

Me: That's not fair!! You cheated!! (I said with laughing)
N: I did not cheat! You never said that I can't do that! So technically, I just helped myself win!!
Me: That's not a thing!!
N: Come on!! I'm going to smash a pie in your face!!

Nat grabbed my hand and dragged me to the pie station with a huge smile on her face.
I sat down, really nervous and started yelling at her while smiling.
Me: Don't you dare Agent Romanoff!! I'm warning you!! I swear to God I will-

Suddenly, she smashed the pie in my face without letting me finish my sentence.
Tears were coming down her cheeks due to laughter.

Me: Oh you're so gonna regret this!!

I quickly stood up and ran towards her, rubbing my face full of pie and cream on her face.
N: No!! Y/N!! Stop!! Please!! I'm sorry!!

Once I let her go, she then fell on the floor and I got on top of her, straddling her hips and tickling her.
N: Stoppp!! I'm sorry!! I'm sorryyyyyyy!!!

I got up and she grabbed a towel to clean our faces.
She grabbed my chin with one hand and started cleaning my face while looking down to my lips for a few seconds and then back at my eyes.

I grabbed the towel and started cleaning her face while doing the same thing.
After a few minutes, I finished and she grabbed my face tighter, pulling my closer to her by the back of my neck and kissed me.

After a couple of minutes, we pulled away and just stared at each other.
Fuck!! That was amazing!! 

N: Wooooww.....
Me: I agree.....

She looked at the Ferris wheel and said excitedly:
N: Let's ride that!!
Me: Ohh... No! No! I can't!! I'm afraid of heights!!
N: Come on!! It will be fun!! I'll be with you the entire time.

She dragged me to the line and went up to get tickets. She said something to the man and the man nodded his head.

We got up and started getting higher and higher, so I grabbed Nat's hand and she smiled at me.
Suddenly, the wheel stopped and I looked around us, scared. We were at the top.
Nat looked at me and said:
N: Don't look down. It will make it worse.

When she said that, I instinctively looked down and started to breathe heavily.
Nat noticed and grabbed my face turning it towards her and kissed me passionately.

After a couple of minutes, we pulled apart and suddenly the wheel started to move again.
Without thinking, I hid my face in the crook of her neck which she enjoyed.

When we got down, she looked at me a little guilty and said:
N: I have a confession to make.....
Me: What is it?
N: I told the man to stop the wheel for a few minutes when we got to the top....
Me: What?! I almost died because of you!!
N: You did not almost die!! 8 year olds can ride it alone!! So trust me, you didn't almost die. (She replied laughing at me)

She then went to the man where we played basketball, because she could pick out a stuffed bear after winning it.
She grabbed the bear and turned to me with a huge smile on her face.
N: For you!!
Me: For me?!
N: Yup. Consider it an apology gift for cheating.
Me: So you cheat to win and then hand me the gift? (I said teasingly)
N: I can keep it if you want....
Me: Nope! It's mine now!!
N: Here you go.... (Nat said with a huge smile on her face and handed me the gift)
Me: Thank you Agent Romanoff! I will cherish it forever!!

We then got into the car and headed back to the tower.

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