Chapter 21

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Nat and I cuddled for about 30 minutes when Tony texted us asking if we can help him set the table for the team to eat dinner.
Nat looked at me with her eyebrows raised, asking if I wanted to go.
Me: What time are we leaving baby?
N: Well, our reservation is at 8 so we have to leave around 7:30.
Me: It's now 6:15 and dinner will be ready for the team at 7, so what do you say you go down and I get ready and meet you down there at 6:45?
N: That's ok baby. Do you need help with anything?
Me: No, I'm good. Thank you baby. Now go and I'll see you in 30 minutes.
Nat went downstairs and I started to get ready.

It was now 6:45 in the evening and I was ready. I grabbed my bag and went to open the door when I heard a knock.
I thought it was Nat who came to get me in order to go downstairs together.

I opened the door but instead it was Steve. I was confused, because we didn't talk very much and he didn't have a reason to come into my room.
Me: Steve? Can I help you?
S: I want to you back away from Natasha.
(I suddenly began feeling anxious)
Me: What the hell are you talking about? She is my girlfriend! Why would I back away from her?!
S: She isn't your girlfriend, she is just confused. She is in love with me and I'm in love with her!!
If you don't break up with her and leave her alone I swear to God-
Me: What?! (I interrupted) You'll do what?!

Suddenly, Steve grabbed my hands and pinned them to the wall.
S: I'll have to hurt you!
Me: Steve if you don't remove your hands in the next 2 seconds, you won't have any hands.
S: Are you threatening me Y/N?
Me: I am threatening you Steve.

As soon as I said that, Steve let go of my hands and quickly, but with great force, punched my stomach.
I fell to the ground holding my ribs.

S: If you threaten me again or go near Natasha again, I swear to God I will kill you.
When he said that, I got up and tried to punched him in the face but he dodged and started punching me until I fell to the ground.
My ribs were in a lot of pain and I could feel myself about to go unconscious.

When I fell to the ground, he kicked my face twice which caused my nose and mouth to bleed.
I felt like I was going to pass out from the pain, so I gathered all the strength I had and yelled to Jarvis (the AI system):
Me: Jarvis! Send out an emergency alert to Tony and Natasha to come to my room immediately!!

When Steve heard me say that, he ran out of the room.

~~Nat's POV~~
I was in the kitchen helping Tony when I realizes that Y/N wasn't here.
N: Hey Tony... Do you know why my girlfriend isn't down here already?
T: That's strange.... It's 7:10. She is never late to anything.
N: Let me go check on her....

As soon as I said that and was putting the stuff I had in my hands down, Jarvis started yelling:
J: EMERGENCY ALERT!! EMERGENCY ALERT!! Y/N has sent out an emergency alert from her room to Natasha Romanoff and Tony Stark!!
Tony and I looked at each other and started running to her room.

We got to her room and saw the door open. (That's strange, she always keeps her door closed)
We entered the room and saw Y/N passed out on the ground with blood covering her face and the floor
N: Y/N!! What happened?! Tony go get medical care!! Quickly!!

I started crying, because I couldn't bear to see her like this.
Bruce and Tony sprinted into the room with a gurney and I picked her up and placed her on the bed.
We took her straight to the medical wing for examination but Tony didn't let me go in with her.

Wanda came up to me and started rubbing my shoulder.
W: It's ok Nat, it's ok. She will be fine, she's strong.
N: I just don't know what happened? After we cuddled, I went down to help Tony. She told me that she would be down at 6:45 to help me set up the table. But she didn't show up, so I figured she was running late. After about 25 minutes, she still hadn't come down, so I was going to check on her when suddenly the emergency alert came. She always does what she says and she is always on time!! I should've gone up there sooner!! She wouldn't be lying in the medical wing if I had gone up there sooner!!

(I started crying and Wanda pulled me into a hug)
W: You couldn't have known! Don't blame yourself. She wouldn't want you to do that! You have to be strong for her. She is going to need you in the coming days.

I was still hugging Wanda when Tony came out of the room with an angry look on his face.
N: Tony what happened? Is she awake?
T: Nat come with me please! Otherwise, I'm going to kill him!

Tony started walking upstairs and I followed him.
N: Tony who are you going to kill?
T: Rogers!! She woke up for a couple of seconds and grabbed my hand and the only word she said was Rogers before passing out again!! Do you have any idea why he would do this?
N: Rogers?? No. But I'm sure as hell going to find out!!
We went to his room and he was sat on his bed scrolling through his phone.

Tony picked him up and threw him to the wall.
S: What the hell Tony?!
T: What did you do to my sister?!
S: What? I didn't do anything! If she said anything she is lying!
N: She didn't say anything... She couldn't say anything, because she is unconscious!! She only managed to say your name!

I went up to him and grabbed his shirt.
N: What did you do?!
S: Nothing. She is the one who hit me....
N: Yet there isn't a scratch on you and she is the one unconscious!!
T: Nat!! Was her door open when we got there?
N: Yes, it was. Why?
T: Jarvis!! Play back the footage from the security camera in front of Y/N's door.
J: Right away sir!

Jarvis played the footage back and we saw everything and heard everything.
T: You son of a Bitch!!
He started to punch Steve but I pulled him away.
N: Why did you do that?! I'm not in love with you!! I'm in love with Y/N and I'm definitely not confused!!
S: It's not natural for 2 women to fall in love. So you must be confused and I know deep down you're in love with me.

I couldn't stop myself and I started punching him. I couldn't believe Y/N got hurt because of me!! Because Steve is in love with me!! I promised Tony I wouldn't hurt her and I did!!
Tony pulled me away from him and told him:
T: Steve. You have 5 minutes to gather your shit and leave the compound!

Tony grabbed his phone and called Fury:
F: Tony it's late. This better be good.
T: I kicked Steve out of the compound and was wondering if you can send someone to come collect the trash.
F: What? Why did you do that?
T: He attacked Y/N and now she is unconscious!! I can't let him stay here, because of safety reasons. After she gets better and you have talked with him, we can re-evaluate the situation and decide if he can come back.
F: You're right, he can't stay there. I'll sent someone to pick him up, they'll be there in 10 minutes.
T: Thanks Fury. I owe you one.
F: Don't mention it, I like your sister. Can I ask why he attacked her?
T: I'll send you the footage.
F: Ok great, bye Tony.
T: Bye Fury

Steve had already gathered his things and was leaving.
T: They'll come pick you up. Don't worry, you won't be homeless.
S: (turns to Nat) You'll regret this! You will realize that you don't love her and you'll come and beg me to take you back.
N: Fuck you Steve!

Shield agents came and took him away and I went to be with Y/N.
Tony went out to tell the others what had happened and showed them the footage.
I grabbed her hand and started crying. She got hurt because of me!! How can she ever forgive me!! I can't loose her. I love her!!

Falling for Agent RomanoffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora