Chapter 48

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It was 2 in the afternoon when we woke up, since both of us were really tired.

I woke up in Nat's arms and looked up at her, I saw her looking down on me with a huge smile on her face.
N: Good morning love....
Me: Good morning baby. How did you sleep?
N: I slept great baby,. What about you?
Me: Same. But I still can't feel my legs.
N: Baby, I want to thank you for the amazing birthday yesterday.
Me: You don't have to baby. It was the least I could do after everything you've done for me. I just wish I had known earlier, so that I could've prepared something more special.
N: Baby, listen to me. It was the best day of my life so far, especially the part where you kept screaming my name over and over again.... (She said with that smirk that I love)
N: You're so cute.
Me: (I got red because I was embarrassed, so I covered my face with my hands) STOP!!
N: Come on love. Let's go and get coffee.

I tried to stand up but fell on the ground.
Nat ran to me and picked me up.
N: Are you ok baby? (She said with a smile on her face)
Me: I bet you're really proud of yourself, aren't you? But yes, I'm fine.
N: Maybee........

I jumped on Nat's back and she carried me downstairs while giving me a piggy back ride.
We entered the kitchen where everyone was eating lunch and all eyes turned to us.
N: What are y'all looking at?
P: Nothing......
W: Nothing......
T: Ok, I can't take it any longer. We all heard you guys having sex last night.

I got all red and nervous. Nat sensed how I was feeling and said:
N: So what? Grow up. Don't act like we haven't heard each and every one of you at some point. Remember Tony that night, a couple of months ago when you and Pepper thought that you were alone at the compound? Remember Wanda the first night Vision returned from his 6 month long mission? Remember Thor, when Jane came to surprise you? You don't see me complain every time I hear one of you, so shut up because I got to have sex with the most amazing, loving, caring, thoughtful and beautiful girl in the world. Now please, pass us 2 coffees so we can go up to our room.
Th: I didn't even say anything, but here.....
N: Thank you Thor. Now if you'll excuse us, we're going up to our room.
T: Don't forget we have a meeting at 4....
N: We won't.

Nat and I got up to our room and she laid me on the bed. She got in next to me and I clung to her like a koala.
N: Babe? You ok?
Me: Yeah, thank you for saying that. I got really bad anxiety but when you said that I calmed down.
N: No problem bubs. I'll do anything for you.
Me: I love you.
N: I love you too. Now, come on. Let's have our coffees and then we can have a bath and watch a movie until it's time for the meeting.

The time was now 3:30 pm.

N: Babe?
Me: Yeah?
N: We need to get ready. The meeting is in half an hour.
Me: Nooooo....... I'm so comfy laying on top of you.......
N: 5 more minutes bubs, but we have to get up after that.
Me: 10
N: 6
Me: 9
N: 7
Me: 8?
N: Ok bubs, 8 more minutes.

We then got ready and headed to the meeting room right on time.
T: Take a seat lovebirds and let's get started.
Nat and I took the last 2 seats available next to each other and listened to Tony.

T: Ok team, we have a busy month ahead of us. On Tuesday, Nat has a solo mission.
N: What? I thought you said I don't have any solo missions for the entire year?
T: Well, this request was from Fury and he said that it's important.
N: I'll talk to him.
T: Ok, but for now, I have to inform the team about it. Nat you leave on Tuesday and will be back on Sunday. Vision, you also have a solo mission. You leave on Wednesday and come back Thursday.  Then, we have a team mission next week where we're going to need Wanda, Y/N and myself.
Me: I'm going on a mission? ( I say excitedly)
T: Yes, you have to train a bit more but I think you're ready.
N: Can I also come on the team mission?
T: Nat, the only reason you want to come is to make sure Y/N is safe. Don't worry, I'll also be there and she can handle herself.
Me: I'll be fine bubs, don't worry.
N: Ok, if you say so.
T: That's all the missions so far. So Y/N, Nat and I will not be here in the compound over the weekend. We'll have another team meeting on Monday at 8 am. Make sure you're all there.

We all got up and headed to our rooms.
I sensed that there was something wrong with Nat during the meeting, but I wanted to be alone with her before I ask her.

We got into our room and I closed the door behind us.
I gave Nat a big hug and asked:
Me: Are you ok bubs?
N: Yes, I am. Don't worry.
Me: Please talk to me baby. I will get really bad anxiety knowing that you're stressed about something and not telling me.
N: Honestly?
Me: Always.
N: I'm worried about my solo mission.
Me: Why babe? You've been on many before.
N: Yeah, I have, and that's why I'm worried. Every time they give me a time frame, it always ends up being longer. Like Tony said I have to leave on Tuesday and come back Sunday. So it should be a 6 day mission, but it usually takes around 10 days. I didn't mind before, because I didn't have you, but now..... I don't want to leave you....
Me: Don't worry about me. I'll be fine baby. I'm going to need you to focus on your mission, so that you can come back to me as soon as possible. In the mean time, I will be here waiting for you. Now, please don't stress about it, because everything will be alright.
N: I know baby, but what if you get another nightmare? Like the ones you had before we started sleeping together. I don't want anything to happen to you.
Me: Don't worry baby, I'll be fine. I haven't had one in months. Now, come on. Let's pack. We leave tomorrow morning for Tony's.

N: You're right. I'm sorry if I got you worried about me.
Me: Please don't apologize baby. I love you. Now, I have a question for you.
N: Ask away baby.
Me: Are you sure you want to spend the weekend at Tony's and meet Morgan? I mean, I know you told me yes but I want to make sure you're still comfortable with that.
N: Of course I do baby. I can't wait to see you with Morgan. To be honest, Tony talked to me before you did, because he said that you were nervous about it when they asked you. So, are you ok with me meeting Morgan? Because if you're not, I totally understand.
Me: Of course I do baby. Please don't ever think I don't want you to meet my family. I love you and wanted to make sure you were comfortable with taking this step.
N: I love you too princess.
Me: Ok. Let's get started, because I want you to cuddle me afterwards.
N: Ok love. Come on.

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