I got no response as if my voice never reached his ears, "Jungkook!" I saw him get startled and looked at me with questionable look.

"What -" he tried to say but I cut him through.

"What did Appa say to you Jungkook" I softened my gaze watching him.


"Nothing Tae, just some business." And he stood and walked towards our shared room.

That's it I am getting my answers today, I will be leaving tomorrow. If I don't know what caused Jungkook to get this upset .... I will be worried forever.

I grabbed my coat and dashed out of my apartment. I took the stairs almost skipping a step or two. I reached the parking lot panting for breath. My eyes widened when I saw my father's car moving past me.

"APPA!" I screamed and screeching sound on the concrete surface was heard. I straightened and saw the car had halted and my father getting out of the door.

"What are you doing here." Worry was sketched on his feature as he walked towards me followed by my mom.

"Do you need something Tae" my mom cupped my cheeks and smoothen the disheveled blue strands.

"Appa you got to tell me what did you talk with Gguk. And this time I don't want to hear it was some business matter. Because it seems clear it was anything but business related."

"Did Jungkook said anything?" I glared at my mom who had asked such a question.

"He didn't. Do you not like Jungkook?" My voice cracked a bit. I really wanted my parents to love Jungkook even if his past screams something else.

"That's not the reason, Tae we love Jungkook, we can see it in his eyes. But... but he is a Jeon."

"What if he is a Jeon?" It angered me, is it because what his father tried to do with me?

"Come sit in the car, you will catch cold Son. I will tell you." I followed my parents and sat in the backseat waiting for father to explain.

"Jungkook's father Jeon Gong-yoo and me were best friends in high school." I saw my mother sigh and averted my gaze back to my father.

" I saw my mother sigh and averted my gaze back to my father

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Jeon Gong-yoo (Jungkook's Father)

CEO of Jeon Cop

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