Chapter 31: Setting Sail!

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It was a calm morning. The Sun was still sleeping on the horizon. The gentle breeze of the winds could be heard through the silent night.

The fire dragon slayer was sound asleep in his own home. Without a care in the world, he was sleeping the night away. He loved his sleep dearly. Without enyoough rest, he wouldn't be able to get fired up and start the usual brawls in the guild, among other things.

Unfortunately for the pink-haired slayer, his long sleep was about to be interrupted with a bang. Literally. Repeatedly.


Loud banging sounds could be heard echoing through his house. Due to his dragon hearing, he couldn't avoid hearing the full force of the banging. And sadly for him, he had to open his eyes.

"... Gurgh..." Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he raised his body up. What's that loud sound?


Slowly regaining awareness of himself and his surroundings, he now registered that these annoying sounds were coming from someone banging on his door. It was reverberating through his skull, as if someone were banging inside his own head.

Who the hell is bothering my sleep...?

He looked out the window and noticed it was still dark out. No bright light or ball of fire was visible in the sky.

What... time is it? Who would be here at this time? It's not even morning!

Furrowing his eyebrows, he lifted his legs onto the wooden floor. Seriously, can't I sleep at my own damn house in peace? He begrudgingly got up and walked to the door with murderous intent.

Whoever the hell it is, I'll serve them up some Fire Dragon Iron–



That voice... It sounded familiar. Sounded like someone infuriating he knew...

"Mrmrmrgh..." He grumbled, opening the door slowly. What he saw immediately blew his drowsiness away. "What the..."

"About time you woke up, flame-brain!" The raven-haired man sighed, folding his arms in disappointment. "Can't believe you're still sleeping in."

"Hello there, Natsu." The azure blue-haired man softly smiled. "We apologize for barging at this early hour."

"What are you apologizing for? He isn't supposed to be sleeping at this time!"

Natsu blinked his eyes multiple times, rubbing them to clear his vision. What were these two doing at his house? At this hour, no less? If Gray came here alone, he'd just pick a fight with him. However, Jellal was also here, so clearly, they came here for a different reason.

"Gray...? Jellal...?" Natsu uttered in surprise. "What are you two doing here? Do you know what time it is?"

He observed their clothes from top to bottom. Gray was carrying a big backpack. He wasn't wearing a shirt (nothing unusual here) with white trousers strapped with belts around the thighs. On the other hand, Jellal was wearing a grey polo shirt with black pants. He was carrying a suitcase beside him.

"Should you really be asking that?" Gray narrowed his eyes at him, shaking his head. "Don't tell me you forgot already."

"Forgot...?" Natsu raised an eyebrow. "Forgot what?"

"He just woke up, Gray." Jellal patted his shoulder. "Let's give him a moment to clear his mind."

"This guy doesn't have much going on in his mind to begin with." Gray huffed.

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