Chapter 26: Moving on

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It was a brand new day. A familiar scene unfolds as the Sun's rays shone through the windows of a certain individual's window, illuminating the entire room. The individual in question responded by shielding her face with the blanket. A scene the White Exceed is too used to seeing by now.

"Mweheheh..." were the sounds coming from within the blanket.

"Wake up, Wendy." Carla poked the blanket with her paws. "It's already morning."

"... Mweh?" Wendy popped her head out of the blanket, slowly opening her eyes and adjusting them to the light. "Oh... morning, Carla."

"You sound like you're in a good mood." Carla observed her expression.

"Really? Am I?" Wendy stretched out her arms and fingers outwards, resulting in some satisfying cracks.

"Indeed, child." Carla sighed, rubbing her forehead. "You were even rolling in your bed throughout the night, muttering some nonsense."

"I did?" Wendy scanned her surroundings. She didn't feel anything was out of the ordinary.

"You were even giggling and grinning in your sleep." Carla smirked. "Were you having a pleasant dream, perhaps?"

"A dream? I don't think so." Wendy scratched her head. She shut her eyes, allowing the events from yesterday to flash through her mind.

"I love you, Wendy."

"Mwehehe..." Wendy grinned brightly, hugging her pillow. She was getting all giddy just remembering it. "That would have been a wonderful dream..."

Wait. Wendy instantly froze in place. A dream?

"... Wendy?" Carla noticed color was slowly leaving Wendy's face. "Is something the matter?"

"No, no, no, no, no." Wendy cowered, holding her head. "No, no, no, no, no!"

Was it just a dream?! Was it a dream all this time?!

"W-Wendy?" Carla called out, growing concerned for her. "What's-"

"Oh god! Please tell me it wasn't a dream!" Wendy's body began trembling, anxiousness setting in to her chest. "It wasn't a dream, right?! Tell me it isn't!" She lifted Carla and stared straight into her eyes.

"I-I don't know what you're referring to, child?" Carla was dumbfounded. What is she talking about?

Was it all in my head?! Did my mind come up with that entire scene to protect my heart?! Wendy was coming up with a lot of outlandish theories in her head. Did I experience heartbreak and my mind protected me?! Wendy shook her head, trying to regain her composure.

"I don't know what's going on in that head of yours, child. But please... calm down."

"I can't calm down!" Panicking, Wendy quickly slid across the bed to her wardrobe. She snatched her necessities and a change of clothes for bath time, then dashed out of her room to the bathhouse. God, this can't be happening!

"W-Wendy?! Hold on!" Carla simply watched in awe as she left the room. What's got her so worked up early in the morning? She spread her wings and followed after her dragon slayer.


A few minutes later...

Outside the dormitory...




After taking her bath and putting on her signature emerald dress, Wendy sprinted through the dorm's entrance, heading towards the Fairy Tail guild.

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