Alex gasped as she squinted her eyes at the sudden light

She looked up to find the person she wasn't ready to meet right in front of her, Alex looked at him shock visible on her face

Her calculations missed Tyler being awake at this hour, and out of his room

They looked at each other, Alex could feel goosebumps all over her body as she looked anywhere but him

Her heart beat frantically

Suddenly she felt insecure about what she was wearing, she was still in the clothes she wore yesterday despite the fact that she bathed

To her outmost surprise Tyler offered his hand to her, Alex glanced at it before looking at him

Before she could think of the consequences, Alex placed her hand in his and he pulled her up

"Here for a midnight snack?" He asked

Alex looked at him words not being able to form in her mouth, did he just start a conversation with her?

He actually spoke first

Ignoring her dazed state, her tummy took that opportunity to growl again

"I'll take that as a yes"

A wave of shyness hit Alex as she looked away from Tyler

"Sit ...I'll make you something to eat" he said

She was shocked for the hundredth time that night

Never in her wildest dreams had she dreamt of Tyler striking a conversation with her let alone cook for her in his kitchen

This man was full of surprises indeed

Tyler furrowed his eyebrows and Alex gasped

Did he just frown?

Tyler's face was always blank, she always thought he was never capable of making any face reaction

He didn't even react after their kiss, seeing him frown at that moment was a very surprising revelation

"What?" He asked "are you not hungry?"


"Sit then"

"Hmm" she nodded and sat on one of the stools

Alex sat there watching him work in the kitchen, he made making noodles look so sexy in the middle of the night

Either way this wasn't how Alex expected Tyler to react

She didn't expect him to talk to her after the dare or cook for her when everyone told her he despised girls

Tyler sat next to Alex and put a bowl of noodles in front of her

"Thanks" she mumbled

They started eating in silence

A few minutes later they finished eating, Alex took both bowls and washed them on the sink

She turned around and found him staring at her

"Uh thanks ..for the noodles" she said

He nodded

They both went silent again, an awkward silence if Alex would describe it. She wished to ask him about the kiss, if he felt anything yesterday

She was desperate to know, the suspense was killing her

Before Alex could say anything Tyler stood up and left the room

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