Sonic: Tikal... you don't know about this as well?

Tikal: Yes, but that portal looks dangerous. Something sinister is waiting on the other side of the portal.

Sonic: Is there any way for us to close it?

Tikal: Yes, but it's not an easy tasks. You must venture into the portal. There's another shrine like this and you must find it. That's the core. You need to take this all 7 Chaos Emerald. They can help you to reach the shrine quickly.

Sonic: Great! So, who's with me?

Knuckles: I can't follow you into the other side but Shadow can follow you instead.

Sonic: Ready to go, Shad?

Shadow: I'm ready as you are.

Sonic: Great! We're ready Tikal!

Tikal: *nodded and give them the 7 Chaos Emeralds* Remember, you must act quickly. The portal to the other side of the world is not a safe place and I'm afraid that you both might trap in there forever.

Sonic: Don't worry, Tikal! Remember that we're fastest hedgehog you're talking to?

Shadow: Hmm...

Sonic: What?

Knuckles: If any bad happens, just send a message via Chaos Emerald.

Sonic: Sure! Mysterious world, here we come!!

*Sonic and Shadow jumped into the portal and a new world emerges from the light, revealing a green valley with flowers all around. Sonic and Shadow woke up but the Chaos Emerald are scattered around the world.*

Shadow: Oh, great. Now we have to get all the Chaos Emerald back!

Sonic: Hmm, Tikal didn't tell us about this. Anyway, this place kinda calm and peace. Don't you think, Shadow?

Shadow: No time for sightseeing. Remember our orders, Sonic?

Sonic: Relax, Shadow. I know we have to be quick but, don't you think this world is less, creepy and scary? We need to discover more about this world.

Shadow: *sense something behind him* Hmm?!

Sonic: What's wrong?

Shadow: I can feel someone's watching us...

Sonic: Okay... who's there?!

*The bushes start shaking and rattling slowly. Sonic and Shadow look at the bushes and they slowly walk to it. As they getting closer, the bushes stop shaking.*

Sonic: That's... weird...

???: Ah!

Shadow: Chaos Spear!!!

*Shadow spear hit the bushes, revealed a cyan hedgehog who got injured from the attack*


???: *cough* *cough*

Sonic: A hedgehog?! Hey, you okay?

???: *hissed and run away*

Shadow: He looks different...

Sonic: Aren't you forget where we really are? Let's follow him! Maybe he live in this place!

Shadow: *sigh*

*As Sonic and Shadow chase the creature, they stumble upon a small hideout. Sonic and Shadow stop before they proceed*

Sonic: That hideout... looks like one of Freedom Fighters base! Let's go Shadow.

Shadow: Wait! It maybe lure us here because it's a trap!

Sonic: Nah, I'm sure there's no such thing as trap.

*Sonic step inside but he step on one of the activator and both of them fall down into one of the trap. They discovered a hidden cell with bars*

Shadow: See what I mean?! Now, we have to get out of here!!

???: Huh?

Sonic: Hey, look!

???: T-That's weird... *gasp* You two are...

Sonic: Hey, you're that wounded hedgehog earlier!

???: You chase me until here...

Shadow: WHO ARE YOU?!

Sonic: Shadow! My name is Sonic the hedgehog and this is Shadow the hedgehog. 

???: Sonic and... Shadow?

Sonic: Yeah, and you are?

Akio: Akio... Akio the hedgehog...

*To be Continued*

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