Lesson Fifty-Four

Start from the beginning

"It was good; I passed. How is your first day back? I wanted to text you earlier but didn't want to bother you during a lesson. You are having lunch now, right?"

"I knew you would pass, see that's why studying is important. The first day is great, the kids are happy to see me, and yes, I am at lunch."

"Of course they are happy to see you, tell them don't be too happy, though. What are you having for lunch?"

Jin laughs, "they know I am engaged, don't worry. I-I am having a sandwich."

"What kind of sandwich?"


"Hmm, sounds good. Are you eating in your classroom? It sounds quiet."

"I am, I wanted to work on some lesson plans and such, so I figured I would just grab lunch and stay in here." Jin pressed his lips together after he spoke. He knew it was wrong for him to lie to Taehyung, but he didn't want him to be bothered with the silly nonsense happening at work.

"You sound a bit down. Is everything okay?"

Jin forced a smile, "everything is fine, enough about me, how is school going? You have one more class, right?"

"If something is wrong, you would tell me, right?"


"Seokjin, answer me."

Jin sighed, "yes, I would tell you. Nothing is wrong; all is well, just getting back into the swing of things which isn't easy. Especially after being home for so long, and besides, I am missing our Serri. But listen, I will call you back later, a student just showed, I think she needs my help. Talk to you later, love you." hanging up the phone quickly, Jin looked at the student who was standing at his door.

"How can I help you?"

"Is it true your daughter is for Kim Taehyung?"


"They all know, it was so hard for me even to continue the rest of my class. My day went from everyone respecting me to no one giving a shit about what I had to say." Jin spoke on the phone to Jimin while he sat outside in his car. "I think I am just going to have to find another job at this point."

"You should talk to Tae about it, and how did they even find out?"

"Well, I wasn't smart with my students, they asked to see pictures of Serri, and I showed them. Not thinking Taehyung has Serri all over his social media accounts, the students were able to connect the dots. As for the teachers, I don't know, and I don't care about them, but I can't have my students thinking I am whore who slept with a student. I did sleep with a student, but I am not a whore, and I didn't even know-"

"Jin, calm down, I know, listen, don't let this get to you. Ignore them, and soon they will be over talking about it. Further, let them assume it's not their business to know the truth either. My brother loves you, and you love him. That's all that matters."

Jin sighed, "I guess you are right, thank you, Jimin. Give the little one's kisses for me, and I will see you this weekend."

Hanging up the phone, Jin gets out of the car and goes into the house. When he got inside, he was greeted by Taehyung and Serri.

Taehyung had Serri in his arms as he kissed Jin on the cheek and handed him a glass of wine, "here, you sounded like you needed this earlier."

Jin smiled, "thank you. Serri, baby, how was your day without us?" Jin looks over to his daughter, who was smiling at him.

"Are you ready to tell me what happened today and why you lied about having lunch?"

"Everyone knows we have a daughter together, and it was just an interesting day, that's all. I need to find a different job teaching somewhere else."

Seeing the sadness on Jin's face made Taehyung sad; pulling Jin towards him, he hugged him with one arm while holding their daughter with the other, "I am sorry."

"It's okay; it was going to come out someday, right?"

"My parents can-"

"Tae, no, we were wrong, and nothing your parents do will change that. It's best if I go somewhere else and work, start anew, where no one knows you or myself."

"I don't agree."

"I knew you wouldn't agree with me, but I think it's what I ought to do. Can I count on you to support me while we figure this out?"

"My support is always with you, Seokjin."

"Good, that's all I need to hear."


This book will be coming to an end. 

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