18: Final Chance

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"I understand how you feel. I'm also worried about how this is going to turn out. I feel kinda bad for Hyunjin."

"Me too. I didn't feel good siding against him but... well in that situation I think I did the right thing. I just don't want it to permanently damage our relationships, you know?"

Felix sighed. "Yeah. Even I'm starting to doubt it. I'm just hoping they work it out."

"Hopefully." Jisung shrugged. "But remember when he and I used to not get along? I mean we worked that out."

"That's true, but to be fair you were here first." Felix pointed out. It was true that Hyunjin didn't get along well with Jisung at first. They used to bicker with each other frequently, less aggressively than Chan and Lex. The two men put aside their differences after Jisung took care of Hyunjin after he had a bad reaction to his past. Hyunjin realised that he truly cared, and they respected each other after.

"I suppose so." Jisung rolled up his drawing and secured it with a small rubber band. "How are you?"

"Feel the same as you. Though thankfully it hasn't changed much between me and Changbin. Things haven't been awkward because we avoid talking about her to each other." Felix responded, bringing a fresh wave of relief. At least some things were going right in a time where everything was going wrong.

"Well, that's good. I'm actually sort of glad no one is roommates with Hyunjin right now. That invites all sorts of troubles." Jisung tucked away his drawing on the shelf, then added as an afterthought, "Well actually, he might be feeling lonely right now. I take that back."

"Yeah well, I tried to talk to him before but he was kinda upset at me."

"Chan will probably talk to him anyway."

Felix hummed in agreement before giving Jisung a hug from behind. "Well, I'm retreating back to my room. Goodnight!"



Chan knocked on Hyunjin's door. A disgruntled 'what!' sounded from the other side, as he expected. He had heard from the other members that Hyunjin had been giving them the cold shoulder. Knowing he would talk to Chan, the leader decided to visit him after he retreated to his room for a secluded dinner.

"Can I come in?" Chan requested. He knew how to approach them when they were upset. It was the same formula. Respect their boundaries, and ask before pushing them.

"Whatever I guess," Hyunjin responded with a bite before he could stop himself. He was agitated at anyone and everyone, even at himself. Chan opened the door and leaned on the door frame. Hyunjin was in his bed, scrolling through social media on his phone, a pout prominent on his lips. He had barely glanced at his leader.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine, I don't know?" Hyunjin retorted, not even glancing up. He was mad but toned it down for Chan. Although he was starting to feel a little guilty about being mean to Jisung before. He usually felt guilty after his outbursts, but he was too stubborn to admit it. Jeongin was able to get him to snap out of it most of the time. But even he decided to leave Hyunjin alone for a bit to give him space.

"Wanna talk about it?" Chan offered kindly. If there was one thing that worked well for their gang, it was their empathy. Someone was always there to check up on the other, even if they were too stubborn to accept it.

Hyunjin sighed and placed down his phone, sitting up. Chan moved to sit beside him. He didn't respond immediately, recollecting his thoughts as he hugged a pillow close to him. After a moment, he responded quietly, "Do the others not like me? Why do they continue to side with her?"

Chan noted his tone and the way he was hunched over his pillow, realising he felt insecure. Hyunjin had been processing the meeting in his room for the last few hours and kept drawing up blanks as to why they wanted to give Lex another chance.

"I don't know, they must be seeing something we aren't." Chan moved to sit beside him. "But they do care about you. I know they do, they're not acting like it right now but you're still their brother."

Hyunjin took a different approach with his next question. "Why are YOU giving her that chance?"

Chan sighed and rubbed at his face. "I don't like her as a person, or at all really. But... I don't know. I guess I think she might eventually be useful someday, not with her gear or whatever. I'm giving Minho the benefit of doubt. I'm sorry you have to suffer because of it."

Hyunjin turned his gaze to the floor, tucking the pillow under his chin. He breathed out heavily as he closed his eyes. "I just don't want us to end up regretting it. Do you think they're mad at me?"

"I think they're more worried about you being mad at them," Chan reassured. "Remember, at the end of the day, you're a higher priority than her."

"She is annoying though."

"You're not wrong. I can't stand her arrogance."

"Sort of reminds me of how you used to be," Hyunjin said, smiling slightly. Chan scoffed and shook his head.

"Yeah, but like many people, I grew up."

Hyunjin tucked some hair behind his ear. "I really don't trust her. I wish the others could see where I'm coming from."

"You're right, it's not your fault you feel this way. I'm here for you, okay? I'm sorry this is hurting you. If she proves herself to be unworthy then she's out." Chan proposed. He wasn't sure how much truth was behind his words, but it seemed to have a positive effect on Hyunjin.

"And if she proves herself to be worthy?"

"We'll go from there. For now, I'll tell her to leave you alone if you leave her alone."

"Yeah, yeah okay that works."

Chan bumped his head against Hyunjin's affectionately ruffled the back of his long hair for good measure. Hyunjin appreciated how caring his leader was. While initially he was infuriated for letting such a thing happen, it put him at ease to know he was being heard. Chan returned to his room moments later, and he was left with his thoughts once more.

After 20 minutes of scrolling aimlessly on his phone, he decided to turn in for the night. He tucked himself into bed after switching the main light off but turning on his galaxy orb. Since there were no windows, the darkness sometimes became unbearable. The other members had some form of light in their rooms, but Hyunjin went above and beyond with his.

The starry lights calmed him down slightly, but he still carried the burdens of the previous nights. When he turned over in his bed, he stared at the other half of the room that he had refurbished within the last couple of years. He had more space than the others since he slept by himself.

Hyunjin's bedroom had space for many of his hobbies. He was grateful he had more room for it, but couldn't help but think about how the others had roommates. Minho and Jisung. Felix and Changbin. Seungmin and Jeongin. Had he befriended Jeongin earlier, they would've been roommates, but Seungmin and Jeongin came to the gang as a duo.

It made him sad to think about it. After all, he didn't always sleep alone in this room.


Published: 12th September 2021 

City Undertaker || Bang Chan Mafia AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora