Once I arrive to the office door, I take a deep breath in, before knocking.

"Enter," A voice says from inside the office.

I clear my throat awkwardly, before slowly opening the door and walking inside. I watch as Dumbledore stares out his window, before turning around to look at me.

"Ah, miss Y/l/n, how lovely to see you." He smiles politely, slowly and almost gracefully walking over to his desk.

"To you as well," I smile, slowly walking to his desk, assuming I was supposed to sit.

"May I offer you a drink?" He asks, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"No thank you, sir." I respond quickly, fighting the urge to stutter.

"Good, I don't have anything anyway." He laughs quietly to himself, clasping his hands together.

My smile grows at his laugh, my nerves suddenly washing away.

"Now before I begin, I'd like to make it very clear that this is not an interrogation, nor a test, it is merely curiosity."

I nod slowly, trying to keep a confused expression away from forming on my face.

"I was informed of a small incident in the school courtyard, just a few weeks ago." He says, pausing to let me remember this. "I was also informed, that you were a part of this incident."

My eyebrows raise with interest, wondering how he found out, and what he had been told of the ferret incident.

"So, with your consent of course, I'd like to hear exactly what happened." He leans back in his chair, his hands still clasped together.

I stare down at my lap, trying to find a way to explain everything that had happened. "I'm not sure I would be much help to you for finding out what happened- I mean, I could barely even see what was happening."

"And that, is exactly why I'd like to hear your point of view." He smiles, before gesturing for me to begin the story.

"Um- well," I mentally hit myself for stuttering. "I was talking to Harry, and Cedric about..." I pause, realizing that I wasn't supposed to know what the first task was.

"I won't force you to tell me about your social life," Dumbledore interrupts quickly, leaning forward in his chair slightly.

I give him a small smile before continuing on with the story. "But then I..." I pause, my brows furrowing with confusion. "I deflected a spell." I say, though it sounds more of a question than a statement.

"I believe you did," He nods, his blue eyes gleaming with interest.

I shake the confused thought out of my head, before clearing my throat, trying to remember everything. "It made me fall to ground, and dislocate my wrist. But as I sat on the ground, I heard gasps near me, but not around me. And once I could stand I noticed a white ferret," A small smile grows on my lips at the memory.

As I think about the ferret, the memory of soaring through the sky on Draco's broomstick also flows through my mind, though I push it away as quickly as possible.

"The ferret," A small laugh leaves me. "Was Draco Malfoy." Dumbledore's smile grows at this.

"So, am I correct for saying that you deflected a spell onto Draco Malfoy?" Dumbledore asks, amusement lacing his calm voice.

It was hard not to laugh at this. Hard not to laugh at the memory of when I accidentally deflected a spell onto not only an innocent boy, but also my nowadays lover.

"I believe I did," I say, biting my bottom lip as I try not to laugh.

Dumbledore laughs quietly, nodding his head slowly. "You know, its quite an advanced skill to do something like that."

I shrug lightly, playing with the ring on my finger. "It was a natural instinct, really."

Dumbledore stays quiet for a moment, seeming to take everything in. Though a smile stayed on his lips the whole time. "Your father taught you that?"

Though a bit of confusion fills me, I know my answer immediately. "Yes, he did." I smile proudly, looking down at my hands.

"A very talented wizard he is," Dumbledore smiles in admiration, gazing at nothing specifically.

I nod slowly, a sense of thankfulness growing in me as I think about all that my father had taught me when I was young.

"How is he? Your father," Dumbledore looks at me, that same glint of interest in his eyes.

I take in a breath, ready to answer, though I soon realize I don't know the answer. I had it in my mind that he was fine, good even, though now that I think about it, maybe he wasn't. Anybody going through a divorce with the love of their life couldn't be very swell, I suspect.

"He's good," I smile, ignoring all of the chaotic thoughts about how he really was that were rushing through my mind.

"Good, good." Dumbledore nods slowly, though something made me think he knew I wasn't telling the full truth.

I nod slowly with him, hoping he doesn't question me about it.

"Well, thank you for your time, Y/n." He smiles politely, before rising up from his chair. "I do hope to see you again, soon."

I stand from my chair, a sense of happiness growing throughout my body. "Goodbye, Professor." I walk to the door, giving him a small wave goodbye before closing the door, and heading down the stone staircase.

As I begin to walk back to the Slytherin dormitories, my mind starts to wander about everything we spoke about. Suddenly I freeze as a thought makes its way back to my mind.

Professor Moody was the one trying to cast the spell on me.

_  -  _  -  _  -  _  -  _  -  _  -  _
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i want to make it very clear that when i write about dumbledore, i am basing it off of Richard Harris's portray of him. (dumbledore in the first two movies) as I believe he did an incredibly well job of dumbledore, though don't really like the way the second dumbledore (michael gambon) played him. so as you read please please imagine him as the Richard Harris' dumbledore:)

anyways as always, i hope you enjoyed this chapter! let me know your thoughts about my story, and if you have any suggestions! i love you and thank you for making me so happy:))) mwah!!!

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