Room service

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Murdoc slowly came out of his sleep still very tired but he kept his eyes closed. His body didn't feel so sore yet his belly pain was numb, not to mention his bladder started to send signals to him but all that thought stopped when he heard the door clank open, a pair of shoes walk in and the door close. The shoes came closer to the bed and the sound of cutlery clinking and something sat on the bed.
Whatever it was it smelt good but he didn't want to blow his cover.
The shoes walked round the bed coming to the side he was laying.

"You have no idea what you mean."
Her voice whispered. He recognised it straight away as the woman. Then the touch of soft fingers stroked over his stubble and brushed some hair aside from his forehead then a single finger trailed down his nose and round the rim of his ear. It felt nice but that food smelt nicer. Then a pair of lips felt so light on his head planting a kiss. Before the steps walked away and left the room closing the door behind her.

As soon as they were gone his eyes opened. Now he is confused. There are fans but then there is this. If this was something fan wise why would she need a huge guy with a gun and why a gun? If Murdoc tried anything he most likely would have been shot. Nothing made sense except that red tray sat on the bed. A thermal flask, a large silver food cover and knife and fork with a snoop sat on the side with a napkin.

He lifted it and was shocked. Now we're very confused, he thought. He opened the flask and took a sip. Very very confusing.

On the plate was a piping hot Roast dinner with all the trimmings, spinach, stuffing, Yorkshire puddings, honey roasted parsnips and large cuts of chicken with a leg all swimming in semi thick gravy. It smelt and looked so fantastic. Like something you see on telly but this time it was real. In the flask was a proper British brew of tea and he could taste the 7 sugars.

Within a blink of an eye he was scooping up a forkful of food and chomping it down. Swallowing the best Roast he has had since his Nanna back in Stoke when he was a teen.
It was perfect.

(Time passed)

He laid on the bed, his belt undone a little. On the brink of a food coma still enjoying that taste in his mouth. The flask and plate were clean. He gave a large burp before feeling the kick of his other organs that needed attention.
Grunting he sat up and got to his feet, strolling to the toilet in the corner he couldn't help but look up to the camera in the opposite corner he were not worried of audience that's one things he enjoys not matter what he is doing but still felt a little unnerving when you don't know who the audience is.
Flipping up the lid but can't be arsed with the seat. He unzipped himself and relieved his stressful bladder with a hand on the wall.
He thought of the lady before. Why so much effort in pleasing him but keeping him here. She is not the ring leader not from what he had heard before but what if it is the guy before or someone else and why. There were no instruments in here. No microphone. No window. Nothing.
Who or what was in charge and what was their intent.
Then his brain slowly slipped to what happened before he ate. The lady stroked his face. He closed his eyes and could feel her skin on his cheek. Her voice is so sweet. Then remembered their little deal before. The taste of her lips, her body so perfectly short. Smaller than Madonna but she was so cute.

Murdoc opened his eyes and looked down to find he had stopped on one relief but now his hand was wanting to relieve another as it slowly pumped his cock. He grinned slightly remembering how she blushed and was obviously wanting him. How those lips would feel on his members in his hand and maybe what else would feel like.
He grew in size to the thoughts as he groaned a bit as his hand picked up speed up and down his length. Fuck she did had huge tits just imagining them bouncing over him as if she was straddling him sent lightning feeling pulsing down him. Then those hips so big and those thighs like Beyoncé legs the thought of them opened to him and his hips connected to her. Another electric feeling tingly down his body.
Was she a moaner? A screamer? What if she put something in her mouth so she wouldn't get caught. Maybe this is somebody trick to get them to fuck for there own porn.

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