Waiting in the living room, Mrs. Terrion also hands me full white, ankle strap heels and tells me to put them on. "I'm sorry for making you wait on me." I mumble as I tighten the straps around my ankles.

"Brandon was in a rush this morning. He is grouchy and does not want to listen to anyone. I encouraged them to leave. I needed that rascal out of my hair, anyway." She laughs, but her tone tells me she knows why Brandon is acting that way. When I stand up, she and I are almost the same height. If she wasn't wearing her heels, I think I would be taller than her. "He is mad that I invited Harmony. I believe I am realizing the mistake I made." She looks at me for a second, then heads for the front door. "I have a taxi waiting for us."

It's not an apology, not that I expected one from Mrs. Terrion, but it is close to one. I hope that this means her and I's relationship can begin to grow and that she will give me a chance. But what does this mean about Brandon and Harmony?

When we get back into Willow's Forest, there is a large crowd where the festival is being held, and many people walk the streets. Everyone is dressed up and smiling. They have music blasting and food stands off to the side. Lights cover the trees and it reminds me of Christmas time. I never thought I'd ever celebrate Halloween like this, but I kind of like it.

Mrs. Terrion carries her pie to the food table and starts small talk with the man behind it. I search the crowd, but there are so many faces, it's hard to find someone familiar.

"Could it be the one and only Rei herself?" Someone speaks close by as if I am a famous celebrity.

I could recognize that voice anywhere, "Jeremy!" I turn as he approaches with an enormous smile. I catch the smell of his strong cologne before he even gets to me. Jeremy looks nice all dressed up, his ginger hair is slicked back with gel and he is wearing an all black suit which looks way too small for his muscular body.

"You look fantastic." He states, looking over my outfit. There is a flirty tone to his voice, but I think nothing of it.

"As do you." It's the first time I think I have seen him dressed up. "Have you seen Melody, by any chance?"

Jeremy nods and looks over his shoulder. "I believe I just caught her over there not too long ago. Follow me." Jeremy then guides me in the direction he thought he had last seen her.

Melody stands next to a rosebush with a drink in her hand. She looks lost and anxious. All of that fades when she sees me. Melody is in a baby blue, short dress. It looks gorgeous on her. Everything looks wonderful on Melody, for a fact. The front is filled with white lace from her chest to the middle of her skirt. Her hair is pinned up into an elegant bun with a few curls out to form her face.

She hugs me and asks me how I am. Specifically, if I am okay. I made sure to tell Melody everything during our small talks during the night. She is also not fond of the Harmony Brandon situation.

"Jeremy! Hi!" Melody smiles wide after hugging me.

"Hello darling." He replies with his usual properness. His statement causes a light blush to appear on Melody's sharp cheeks.

"You look great!" She turns her attention back to me and raises her champagne glass. Whatever she is drinking is a light pink with many bubbles.

"Thank you! Surprisingly, Mrs. Terrion gave this to me."

If Melody had any of her drink in her mouth, I think she would have spit it out at me. "Seriously? I thought she despised you or something?"

I shrug, "I don't know, she's been acting a little different around me now. I'm not sure if Brandon said something to her or if she is just putting up an act." I run my hands down my skirt, "Speak of... have you seen Brandon? He left before me... with Harmony."

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