"You're in love with Hajime aren't you?!" I said and noticed she began to blush deeply and I chuckled. "W-what would give you that idea?!" She questioned nervously and I shook my head knowingly. "It's obvious. The way you look at him is enough to tell me that. Also the fact that you look so happy after you see him." I said and she sighed in defeat.

"Alright. But don't you dare tell him!" She yelled and I chuckled and nodded my head. "Your secret's safe with me." I smiled. I honestly couldn't blame her for being in love with Hajime. He is a nice person to be around. He may seem mean and strict but that's just his personality. Once you meet him and get to know him, he's not that bad.

But for some reason, having Ms. Momoko admit she liked Hajime, I oddly felt a bit... how should I say this... awkward maybe. Or jealous? No. Why would I feel jealous? I shook my head and sighed. 'I'm over thinking. Why would I be jealous over something like this?' I asked myself and sighed once more.

Ms. Momoko looked at me confused and I just smiled at her, convincing her that I was alright. I sighed again and stretched after she smiled back and looked the opposite direction. 'There's no reason why I would feel jealous over this. Unless...' I didn't bother finishing that thought. There was no way that could be possibly. Could it?

I suddenly remembered the kiss me and him shared and I began blushing. I still couldn't believe Jyugo had me do that but... I honestly enjoyed it. 'Do I really feel that way about him?' I asked myself and sighed. 'Let's leave that for another time.' I thought, not wanting to go too deep into my own thoughts.

I was brought here to spend time with Ms.Momoko. Not to burry myself in my thought of what my feeling are towards Hajime. I let out a small, inaudible sigh and turned towards Ms. Momoko.

Warden POV

I glanced at F/N and saw her shake her head. I looked at her confused but she just smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. I was always happy when she was around. I was almost as happy around her as I was when I'm near Hajime.

"So what should we do today?" She asked and I crossed my arms and paced back and forth, thinking of things we might be able to do. "Well, we could do a makeover. Maybe change out of those clothes and cloak." I offered and she stayed silent for a while. It would be nice to see her enjoy herself and wear something other than that cloak.

I looked over at her to find her smiling widely. "That sounds fun! I would love that. Maybe I could relax a little and try something new." She said with a bright smile. I chuckled. "Well then, we are going to have to find you a change of clothes first." I said and she basically started jumping up and down with excitement.

She had quickly taken her cloak off and followed me to my closet. I had a few dresses and nice shirts I never really wore so I pulled them out and placed them on the table. "Why don't you do it too? Change out of that uniform and enjoy yourself?" She asked sweetly and smiled and I glanced to the side.

"I could." I said and she hugged me. "Alright! Choose something while I go try this on!" She said as she snatched one of the clothes I had set out. I wasn't sure what it was though. I sighed as I searched the pile of clothes and found a really nice Blouse and chose that.

It would be a bit weird wearing this being that I always wear this uniform. But since F/N seems to be excited about this, I might as well join her. It might be fun to change out of the usual formal dress code of this prison. "Alright! I'm finished!" I heard her say as she peeked out from the back room with a big smile.

She had chosen a F/C dress that was made out of silk and had lacing on the sleeves that went down just below her elbow. The dress itself reached down below her knees and she looked so cute in it. "You look so adorable in that dress!" I said and hugged her. I heard her chuckle as she hugged back.

"What did you choose?" She asked excitedly and I showed her the blouse. "Why not choose a dress? We could be buddies!" She said and I sighed. "Ok. Why don't you look for a pair of shoes that might fit you while I find a dress I might like." I said and she nodded and walked off, occasionally skipping along the tile floor.

I chuckled and watched as she happily skipped along towards my closet. 'I don't get to do this kind of thing very often. It's nice to finally have a girl around.' I smiled as I searched for a dress I might like.

Your POV

I found a pair of heels that matched the dress I was wearing and put them on. I wasn't a big fan of this kind of stuff but I was having fun. I never got to do this when I was younger. Besides, Ms. Momoko looked like she was having fun too so I didn't really mind doing this at least once.

I smiled widely again and looked at myself. I looked nice to say the least. I stepped out of the closet and looked for Ms.Momoko. "Momoko?" I questioned until she stepped out from the back room. She was in a Blue dress and it suited her well. It seemed to be made out of linen fabrics and it looked pretty comfortable. There was also a nice floral pattern on the bottom of it.

"You look amazing!" I said and she smiled. She was pretty when she smiled. I wish she would do it more often. "You really thing so?" She asked and I nodded my head quickly. "Yes!" I verified and she seemed to smile wider. "Oh! Oh! Why don't we do each other's hair?" I asked and she smiled and nodded.

I sighed as I sat down. I realized how weird and uncomfortable it was not having my cloak on, hiding myself from everything. I felt vulnerable without it and I didn't feel safe. Not when there was a chance Elf could find me. I shivered at the thought and sighed. "Are you ok F/N?" Ms. Momoko asked me and I quickly nodded and stood up.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I said as she brought out a brush along with a few hair ties. "Alright. Do you want me to do your hair first or do you want to do mine?" She asked and I thought for a moment. "You can go first. I've got to think of what style I want to do." I said and she smiled and nodded, sitting down behind me as she began.
A/N: Hello everyone. Apologies for not publishing anything recently. I've been busy with other things and haven't gotten around to working on this. I have gotten a comment or two saying that people are enjoying this and I'm glad you are. Hopefully I'll get around to making more chapters for you guys. And hopefully, I can make them soon so you guys don't have to wait a whole month before I post again. Anyway, thank you all for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful day and again, apologies for not publishing sooner.

One question though...
Would you guys rather have the Warden (Ms.Momoko) be more of a mother figure for F/N or have her be a love interest? I haven't decided which one I'd rather do so I'm going to leaving it up to you guys. Please comment which one you'd rather me do and again, thank you all for reading this and I hope have a wonderful day!

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