"I saw a picture of it. Mom was on it with a guy that looked a lot like you," he says. My heart skips a beat, surprised to know that there are still pictures of Del and Dad that still exist in that house. I see Jack studying me.

"Dad caught him looking at it," Jack says. That sounds more like the house I'm coming to know.

"What'd he do?" I ask. Jack grabs Joey's wrist and shoves his sleeve up, revealing a small, circular burn of what could only be a cigarette end. My stomach twists with hatred.

"Mom got the worst of it though," Jack says, letting Joey's hand go. Joey shamefully covers the scar. "He told her that if he ever found another picture of him again, he'd kill her." It's quiet for a moment.

"Why is she still with him?" I ask. Jack shrugs his shoulders.

"She says that we should be grateful that we have a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs," he says. I step towards them, Vincent between us.

"I had a roof over my head and food in my stomach and I never was beaten by my father," I say.

"That's what the kids at school say," Joey says, a hint of envy in his voice.

"I mean that it's still possible for you two to have that also," I say. They both look at each other but Jack shakes his head, not daring to hope.

"We have no place to go," Joey says, looking at the ground.

"Back to Montana with me. I have an aunt that would fight tooth and nail to get custody of you two..." I think of Henry and Jenny, wondering how they would take it if I asked them if they can watch over my brothers. They are getting older everyday, and I know Jack and Joey would be able to help with the heavy work a lot. "My father... when he died, he left the house to me to one day share with Jenny when she turned eighteen." I look at both of them, confident in my decision on the matter. "I would be more than willing to share it equally between us three, in place for Jenny," I say.

"You mean... we're rich?" Joey asks. I laugh.

"Not exactly," I say, knowing that it wouldn't be smart to mention the small fortune that was also left in my name. "But this does mean that you have somewhere to go. The property is in Shadowfen, Wyoming, which is were both my father and Jenny are buried. But I want you two to consider traveling to Montana with me. I have a great lawyer friend that I know would help me out any day, and my aunt and uncle don't have any kids of their own, so they're whole attention would be on the welfare of you two," I say. They both look at each other, this time the hope not dispelling from even Jack's eyes.

My phone begins to buzz, and I pull it from my pocket, wishing more than anything that it's Kate. But it isn't her name that shines in my eyes. I look up at Jack and Joey.

"It's Del," I say. They both go ghost white before quickly climbing on their bikes and zooming out of the hotel parking lot. I watch them cross the street as I put the phone to my ear. "What do you want?" I ask her, not able to hide the spite in my voice. Not that I was trying very hard.

"Hi, Johnny," she says, her voice sounding thin and worn, "listen, I want to apologize for what happened the other day. I'm sorry for the way I've been treating you; it just wasn't a good day to come to the house. If you want to, I'd like to visit with you more. I just have to be careful with my time," she says. I clench my jaw, fighting between wanting to tell her how stupid she is and wanting to have my mom back, one of the last people to see Jenny alive.

"I... I don't know... It's already getting late today," I say.

"For coffee tomorrow maybe?" She asks. The desperation in her voice sends a pang to my heart.

"Alright, sure," I say. "I have some business with someone tomorrow, but the first couple of hours in the early morning I might have time."

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I really want to reconnect with you," she says. I hum along with her, but I don't think I can open up so easily to her again. Not after what happened with Anderson. And I know she'd be meeting me behind his back, just like Jack and Joey met me behind both of their backs. I decide to be cordial to her though, because I'm not done with my brothers and I don't think I ever will be.

I walk back into my hotel, more relieved than I was when I left. Knowing that Jack and Joey are interested enough to discover things on their own will benefit me a lot. Though Joey is only ten, he isn't any little kid. I know both of them want an escape from their lives now and if I play my cards right, it'll be easy. I don't want to get on Del's bad side, but she has to see the light of Anderson. If she doesn't leave him and if I don't offer my help to my brothers while I can then we can both end up loosing them. I'll just have to make her see the truth.

I don't fall asleep easily on that night. I'm not even sure if I really fell asleep. Images of Kate seem to haunt every corner of my mind and I look at the bedside table where my phone lies only about a million times. What is she up to? Is she safe? Sometimes I can still dig deep enough to feel angry at her, but I know that's because it's easier to be mad at her right now than to miss her like I do now. How was it that one night we were so happy? We walked with each other, touched each other, kissed, caressed... and the very next night everything had changed.

My phone buzzes and I nearly jump out of my bed to see who the caller is. For a moment I think I am dreaming as I reach for my glasses and slip them on. It isn't Kate. But I'm interested nonetheless, considering it's twelve o'clock, the second day of November when I get this call.

"Hello?" I say, putting it to my ear.

"Hey, listen. Something happened and I'm on my way to meet you right now," Ace says, his voice energized, urgent. I can hear the sound of an open window in a car as it zooms on the road.

"What-" I start.

"Don'tsay anything, it's too risky. I'll find you, don't worry, but you won't be ableto call me after this. I'm tossing me phone, it's possible that it's bugged. I'llbe there in about two hours." He hangs up before I can say anything else, myheart racing, my throat dry. What happened?


Things are getting so close! I'm sooo excited! Someone hand me a giant paper bag!!

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