the next day you got ready and of course smelled nice, you teleport to where you last visit Jericho, you went up the hill to see Jericho playing such a sweet tune. He stopped when he felt your presence he looked at you with a surprise expression. You waved to him, he slowly waved back, you walked up closer to him "I got your letter and I appreciate you trying to check in on me, so I came here to check on you." he looked confused but then smirked he did a hand sign saying "Check on me? how kind." "Aw why thank you, what would you like to do today you know I was thinking we could visit this flower sanctuary in Spain". Jericho nodded his head "I'll like that." he signed, he then put down his guitar 

You stuck out your hand for him to take "Then lets go." he looked at you then took your hand you teleported the both of you to the place it was a maze of flowers different as can be you two walked in "You know I always loved flowers on how they can have a smell to them and a different meaning to each of them." "What is your favorite flower?" Jericho asked you "Hmm I don't really know maybe it's the Purple Hyacinth flower it has such a beautiful color to it but the beautiful flower means sorrow, it makes you think of how such a beautiful thing mean sad, but maybe its the Clover, white flower there so nice and simple it means promise to true love some say the flower says to people "think of me." which is so amazing, ha I'm sorry I sorta started to ramble on this stuff." 

Jericho shook his head no "Don't worry I like to hear your voice." that seemed to make you a little bit flustered you looked away for a moment "Ha so um how have you been?" you said trying to stop your face being the way it is "I've been okay I live in the mountains so there isn't really much."  "By any chance do you have powers?" you asked, he pointed to his eyes "I can possessed people by looking into there eyes." "That's really cool, all I can really do is teleport and have telekinesis I do stuff like this." You brought up the fallen petals and made them swarm around the both of you like a mini tornado you smiled at seeing how fascinated he is.

A small rose came into view he quickly grabbed it,  you then made the petals go up then gently fall on the both of you he then put the rose in his pocket "You looked amazing while doing that." He praised you, you put your hand at the back of your head "Thanks glad you like it." "Did you ever think you'll become apart of the Teen Titans?" he asked "Eh it just sorta happen I guess you can say I was tired of being alone, what about you, why do you stay in the mountains?" "Its quiet and relaxing I can play my music in peace." You were fond of that "I do love your music it's really amazing." Jericho blushed at the fact that you like his music

you both hit the end of the maze "Well let me take you back." instead of grabbing your hand he interlock his finger with yours, you take him back to the mountains "Well I better go It was great to see you again." but before you left Jericho gave you a kiss on the cheek he then signed "And that's for keeping me company, it was nice to see you again (Y/n)." you smiled then left Jericho then became super red and fell back into the field he pulled out the rose out of his pocket and looked at it in his head he thought "If you were a song you would probably have something with unique beauty in it." 

You got to the tower and it just a usual day, but when raven came out she was wearing a white cloak instead of what she usually wears. "Uh hey Raven haven't seen you around much lately." Robin said "Yeah because she hasn't left her room for a week, and probably didn't know that (Y/n) left." Cyborg pushed down BB head making him be quiet "You left?" Raven questioned "Yeah just had to do something uh I like your new look." "Thanks." she responded "So when do we get to meet this friend of yours?" Robin asked (Friend?) you thought

Starfire quickly flew to Raven "Beast boy has told us so much about the Malchior and how he remains trap in a book but-." "Now how would Beast boy know something like that." Raven questioned "I may of kinda been a fly on the wall in your room." Beast boy says as he turns into a fly, "Funny you look more like a rat to me." Raven changed Beast boy appearance into a rat "You morphed me how did you do that?" Beast boy asked, but the criminal signal went off "Titans move." Robin demanded you all left but Raven "Um Will you be joining us?" you asked, she soon followed  

You all go to this home that was broken into to see Kardiak has a kid "Hand to hand we don't want to hurt her." Robin says, then Raven showed up "This time when I break you stay broken." She then said a spell that was different then what she always says. "Raven careful!" Robin shouted then black started to go around Kardiak and the girl "Raven stop!" Beast boy called out "I can't!" is all raven said, the little girl screamed you teleported into Kardiak grabbed the kid and took her far from Kardiak 

Beast boy turned into a goat and rammed into raven causing her to stop "What is wrong with you." Beast boy says but raven left  "Ha Its okay now you were so brave." You tell the girl who was holding onto you "You think so?" "Of course now lets go to your parents." the kids parents came running up and started to hug their daughter and thank the team, you guys go back to the tower to feel the tower shaking you all run to ravens room to see a dragon going to the roof "He lied to me, he lied and I gave him what he wanted." Is all raven said "Come on." Robin, Starfire and Cyborg left to the roof "Raven are you-" "Please just get out of my room." Raven told Beast boy so the both of you left. 

Beast boy and Cyborg got whipped into the water including Starfire who got blast with fire, Robin got hit hard on the roof so he's passed out somewhere. And dodging the dragon didn't help you at all you got hit by a fire ball making you hit your back on the roof you just look up at the dragon and grabbed your phone to take a picture you send the picture the wally saying "I left for half a day and this is what I come back to!" Wally quickly responded "I"M SO JEALOUS YOU OVER HERE ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING WHILE I TRAIN!" you laughed at his message Raven come up and put Malchior back into the book 

Raven went back to her room you and Beast boy knock on her door "Raven it's me look I'm sorry." Beast boy said "For what your not one who-." "No were sorry that he broke your heart." you interrupted "I know it was all a lie he the the only person who made me feel like I wasn't creepy and don't try to tell me I'm not." "Okay your creepy but that doesn't mean you have to stay lock in your room." Beast boy tells her " You think your alone Raven but your not." is all you told her, she opened the door and hugged you 

Beast boy was then hit with a stank ball by Cyborg raven grabbed the stank ball and gave Cyborg a wicked smile "Oh no don't Raven AHHH." 

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