"Chapter 1"

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This story was heavily inspired by this authors. ChristaTohsaka and M0chiPuff. So I better gave them a credits, and this story was also inspired couples of story in different sites. If you saw a familiar scene on someone story please, credits on them. Without those story's and authors who makes them. I would never makes this story so good.

I would like also gave at AI who makes this story good. Sometimes I asked their help.  And thank you for making the wonderful book cover, on the past for my story Purpledragon455.

I deeply apologize on you when I suddenly change the book cover and the name. And most of the point of view, will be on Erza. Rather than, doing another book for book 2 of this, I'm going to continue the book 2 of Titania or cursed princess in here. And the plot had change.

And before I had forget I would like, to gave a special thanks at this person waking me up at the reality. Without her I will never, going to rewrite this story repeatedly.  And, most of the past comments I already had delate it, I hope you don't mind. And currently, I'm fixing some of my mistake in this story.

 And currently, I'm fixing some of my mistake in this story

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Erza Scarlet. Was definitely an Unpredictable Lady. No one had ever knows, what is running on her thoughts. She had a bright, Scarlet hair which is really odd on the Japanese culture. Kids, was making fun of her, because of that. She was lonely, and always stuck on the world of darkness. Not until she had found a bright stars, that kept reminding her of a sun. And that's was, Itadori Yuji.

Itadori Yuji was definitely an odd kid to her, no matter how she shoves him out. He always followed her behind like a lost puppy. His smiles was always shinning, like a sun. And, his hair was reminded her a Cherry blossom that she loved. But, it was making her frustrated how kind and innocent he was. He kept telling her to be friends an him.

But Erza always says no. But, her cold-hearted change its points of view. She start to show her affection at him slowly, making Itadori smile in delighted. Erza was thankful at Itadori on the end, how he always at her side when she was on her tough times. Erza was indeed a prodigy, but she never showed herself as one.

Even her personality is unpredictable, her Sense of Direction is also pretty much more unpredictable as well. They said that Erza had everything, but there's something that she doesn't have. And that's was an emotions. She never smiled, or cried. When that incident had happened. The last time she had cried when her caretaker had died infront of her.

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