Chapter 9

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I walk into my next class waiting for the teacher but the principal arrives instead.

"Good morning class Mr. Harrison is absent so you will all go to the gym to coach Martin to do gymnastics, now go"

Why does the world hate me so much?

I go to the gym where a class was already training.
Must be Coach Martin's class.

Then a thought hit me.
Oh God. No no no no no!

"Look who's here! Did you miss me so much?"


I roll my eyes wanting anything but disappear "Mister Harrison is absent so here I am!" I said sarcastically.

"Girls, boys, go get changed!" shouts the coach.

Luke smiles and I sigh as I turn and go into the dressing room.

I can't afford to wear something short like a sports bra or a crop top.
People would notice the bruises, the scars or just my bones ...
Luckily I had a black t-shirt, leggings and trainers in my locker. I usually keep them there so I can use them for when I have PE, which should have been in 3 days!
But calm down. I can't help it so it's better get ready. Coach Martin can be a dick.

Once I change I go with the other students.
Coach Martin makes us do 10 laps of the field.

Small problem.
My heart can't stand 3 laps of the field, let alone 10.
I shouldn't be doing PE in school, or at least, I should be doing something that doesn't require a lot of effort.
But Mom and John want me to work out and then let alone worry about my physical well-being or even spend money on doctor visits.
Nobody in school knows, and nobody has to know or I'll be the weak one.

I wasn't running too fast, but I couldn't take it anymore.
My breathing was more than short. My head was spinning. I didn't feel my legs and my heart was going incredibly fast and starting to hurt.

This kind of pain is manageable, but every time it happens I need to calm down, rest for a second, and try to take deep breaths.

But I still have 4 laps left.

After another running lap I stopped for a second and kept walking to try to catch my breath.
I wanted so badly to get my hands on my chest because it's like a little help, but everyone would notice.

"Cooper who said you could stop? Another 2 laps!"

I wanted to cry so much.

I start running again trying to distract myself.
I wasn't paying attention to anything or anyone other than finishing this round before I collapsed.

I managed to finish all the laps.
Everyone was gasping for the air.

Well, I didn't even have the strength to do that!

I sit on the ground like anyone, trying to get some oxygen, but now my heart really hurts.

It usually takes about 2 minutes for the pain to go away, but that was too much.

I bet I was pale as a ghost. I felt my eyes close and roll back but I try to keep them open.

"Cooper!" Coach Martin yells, then I look at him.
"Get up and come here, we still have some time so we'll do some races"

Please No.

"So Cooper and ..... You, blonde hair, come here"

Just my luck.

"What is it princess? A little tired?" Luke smirks.

I was pissed.

"I'm NEVER tired" I say trying to convince him but above all myself.

"You will have to run all over the field 4 times good luck" says the coach.

I don't need LUCK.

I need a fucking MIRACLE.

I try to get as much oxygen as I can before the torture begins, trying to ease the pain in my chest a little.

We prepare in position.
There was no way I could win.
But I couldn't lose or he would always have another reason to make fun on me.

"So get ready ... GO" screams coach.

I run.
I run really fast.
Trying to ignore the fire in my chest, but it had become unbearable.

We were basically head to head and I was dying inside.

Maybe not just inside ... But I couldn't take it anymore.
I was just repeating in my head "Don't pass out, don't pass out, don't pass out".

3 laps done. One last left.

We were almost at the end and we were head to head but suddenly he lost it.

His breathing was getting shorter and he slowed down a bit making me win.

"Congratulations Cooper, it was a beautiful race. Even you blond is not bad now rest, it was tough" says the coach.

But I wasn't listening to anyone.

My heart was really aching now.
I couldn't breathe. Everything was getting dark and my head was spinning.
Luke tells me something but I wasn't paying attention.

Right now, I'm really worried.

Why did I do it?
I know that I can't run so why did I do it anyway?
Stupid pride!

I head into the girls' bathroom and lock myself in slipping on the floor.

I bend my knees to my chest, my hands go to my chest, and my head hit the wall behind me as tears streamed down my cheeks and sobs came out of my mouth.

The air was not coming and now I am afraid that I will also have a panic attack.

"CHARLIE BREATH" I tell myself.

But then I hear a knock on the door ...

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