~ CHAPTER 29 ~

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      Louis 😌🤩

Hey!! Are you busy? 🥺

No!! For you never!! 😊

That's so sweet!!😊
But i needed a little help.

Yeah what help do you want?

So i was in your neighbourhood 😅
and my car's tyre got punctured
And I for gods sake can't change it 🙂
Do you know how to?

Send me your pin.
I'll be there.

Location 📍
Did you get it? 😟

Oh it's very near.
I'll be there in 5. Dw!! 😇


Y/n got out of her car and sat on the curb. Scrolling through her Instagram she saw Asher's post and clicked on to his profile. Tears pricked her eyes when she saw pictures of her and Asher still on his profile grid when she had deleted all of his. Like he never existed to her.

Looking back at those post she thought to herself how happy she was with Asher. She truly liked him. After her depressing breakup with her previous ex Jason. Asher had raised the level up for her. She wiped the tears of her face when she heard footsteps approaching.

"There's the damsel in distress." Louis teases her. She looks up to see his full smile and instantly smiles back. "Hey!! My knight in shining armor more like knight is cosy sweatshirt. It looks so comfy. Come on sit here." She pats the concrete next to her. Louis hops over to her and sits beside her.

"So I'm not prying but can I ask you what you were doing in my neighbourhood?" Louis asks her. "I was her because I had some work. Important work but then my car crapped out, punctured my bloody tyres. " Y/n whines. "Don't worry!! I'll fix it. Come on I'll show you how to so next time you don't have to call anybody for help." Louis says getting up and dusting his pants, then offering a hand to Y/n

"And here I was thought we could enjoy some quality time together fixing my stupid tyre. " Y/n jokes taking Louis hand to get up. "Oh I'm enjoying. Don't worry. I just don't want you to get stranded alone at some spooky place and not know how to change a tyre. " Louis laughs and Y/n joins in.

After Louis finished changing her car tyre, "it's this simple? " Y/n asks. " Yes it is!! " Louis smiles. "Thank you so much for your help!! " Y/!n rushes to hug him but awkwardly breaks it sooner. "Come on I'll drop you off at your house. " Y/n says helping Louis pack the tools.

Louis and Y/n both took a seat in the car as Y/n started driving. "Y/n is everything ok? " Louis asks her. "Why would you ask? Everything's fine. Better even." Y/n smiles politely. "I'm sorry but I saw you cry earlier. When you were sitting on the curb. You do know you can talk to me right? " Louis turns towards her. She avoids eye contact with him, staring straight towards the road. "Everything is fine Louis. I promise. If there is something troubling me I will come to you. Your my best friend now. " She smiles. "Glad to hear it. Cause your my best friend too." Louis smiles ear to ear. 

Y/n and Louis reach his house. " Y/n, you should totally come in, my sister, Issie, she's back from Greece and she is dying to meet you. Please come in. She will be thrilled. " Louis begs. "Ok yeah sure. I'm very excited to meet her too. Will she recognise me though? You know I'm ginger now." Y/n laughs. "Y/n she will recognise you by your perfume alone. Even if this is the first time you meet her. She is just going to sense your presence when you step in the house. " Louis speaks seriously. "Ok!! Now I'm really nervous." She chuckles.

They both walk towards Louis house, he unlocks the door and let's her walk in first. "Louis is that you?" His moms voice echoes through the kitchen. "Mom!!! Why does it smell different? Please tell me it's not what I think it is!! " A girls voice from up stairs reaches down. "Issie get down here." Louis shouts from downstairs. Hurried footsteps grow louder as a woman comes rushing down. Y/n hears a loud gasp from the stairs. "Are you real? " She points out towards Y/n. "Am I real Louis?" Y/n turns towards Louis. "She is very much real." Louis nods towards his sister. "Oh my god!! I can't believe you are actually in my house." Issue walks closer to Y/n. "Can I hug you?" Y/n asks Issie. "Can you? Of course you can. I would sell my should to hug you. " Issie informs. Y/n without any further warning hugs Issie.

An hour passes by with the three of them talking with Louis mother occasionally telling Y/n stories of the two. "I should leave. My mother must be waiting for me but Issie you gotta promise me more stories the next time we meet. Also because Louis and your mom told me that you are a huge fan. Remind me to send you a PR package filled with my debut album celebratory goodies." Y/n smiles.

"I get one. Oh god I'm so excited for your album. Also I heard you had to strip down one song. You know what you can ask Louis to help you with it. He is a great pianist." Issie speaks. "Oh really. Then my manager shall contact you with it. I'm looking forward to working with you Partridge." She smirks. "Sure Holland." He smiles back. They both walk out the door as Y/n had to leave. "See you soon. The shooting might start by next week." Y/n reminds him. "Yeah see you then. Can't wait for our scenes." Louis smiles brightly. "We have scenes together? " Y/n scrunched her nose in curiosity. "Yes we do. " Louis smiles. 

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