- CHAPTER 27 -

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"This has to stop!! You can't fall for a guy you barely know!!"  The imaginary Y/n speaks. "I know!! I haven't fallen for any one. I'm still getting over Asher. It's going to take time." Y/n sighs looking at her reflection in the mirror. "Are you sure? "  The better looking version of Louis in Y/n's head speaks. "You again? This is my room and no boys are allowed. Get out right now!!" Y/n speaks to her imaginary crush.

"Come on!! This is your room!! Very... Interesting." He says looking around rubbing a hand over his chin. "There's nothing interesting about this room." Y/n says facing him. "Except for the fact that... This is going to be my girlfriends room in matter of few months."  Louis flops on y/n's bed as his own. "Don't be too cocky Partridge. I'm not sure what you say is completely true. You do know I broke up only 3 weeks ago!!" Y/n says sitting opposite him. "Tell me why again did you guys break up?"  Louis asks sitting up. I hug my knees and stare at him.

"He never trusted me. He thought I was talking to a this guy who's just a friend ok. He thought I was the blonde girl people were framing me to be. Is it my fault, tell me Louis ?" Y/n looks curiously at the imaginary Louis. "LOUIS??" Daisy questions from behind. Y/n looks back at the door then at the imaginary Louis who had disappeared magically. "Who's Louis?" Daisy says setting her things down on the Vanity.

"No one and nobody hears about this. How much did you hear?" Y/n asks rushing towards Daisy and closing the door. Thank God Y/n bedroom was part studio for her that she had soundproofed all the walls. "Only the you asking Louis if it's your fault part nothing else and you gotta stop blaming your self as the blonde girl you're much more than that.  Y/n, he was a moron to breakup with you over your hair colour. Let it go. " Daisy says flopping on the bed. "Also who is Louis? " She sits up straight.

"Louis is a friend of Millie. Well we had been talking for the past week. I met him yesterday at the auditions. Also when you cancelled on our Wednesday dinners. " Y/n punches her shoulder hard. "Millie, Louis and I went to dinner together. We were talking a lot and I found him staring at me a couple times. Also he is too damn cute. I feel I know him from before but that doesn't matter. I had to drive down to his house because we have the same phone and our phones got exchanged at the table. I got to know his elder sister is a huge fan. He talks a lot about me in his house and his mother has invited me for dinner some day." Y/n gives Daisy all the details. "Moving on already? Damn girl I didn't think you could make that progress." Daisy teases her. "Daisy it's not as simple as you think. I've not moved on. My time with Asher even if it was little meant a world to me. I don't care if he broke up with me over... " "Being blonde" Daisy interrupts.

"What? No!!! We did not break up because I was blonde. That's such a silly reason Daze. What's in your head? Harry? " Y/n says walking towards her vanity and shuffling the lipstick between her finger. "Deep down you know what I speak is true. Y/n you got broken over for being blonde." Daisy makes fun of her. "I'm dying my hair ginger. " Y/n speaks abruptly. "What? No you aren't. Ok I was joking so take that back. Are you crazy?" Daisy expresses. "Daisy I'm dying it Ginger for the role. Remember I auditioned yesterday. They called me in the morning. I got the role. Yet they are still holding auditions for Anna's role just cause. " Y/n says holding her head in her hands.

"Oh.... K that's ok. Ok so you're going Ginger for this role. Good 4 u. But also go on for Louis sounds like a good guy. Now I'm heading to Harry's room." Daisy says before kissing Y/n on the cheeks and leaving the room. I smile looking at the mirror. "I'd listen to your best friend. Call me now!! I'm really hungry. I would like to have a pizza. I'll mostly have a pepperoni pizza. " The imaginary Louis speaks. I look at him through the mirror and then at my phone in my hand. How the fuck did I even get it in my hands.

I turned it over and over in my hands. "I am starving." Imaginary Louis speaks. "Ok geez too eager aren't you? " Y/n says finally unlocking her phone and dialling the number. "Hey Louis!! Hi hello. What's up hi." Y/n stutters through the words. "That's an awful lot hi's and hello's. Hi tho anyway. How'd you remember me at 6 in the evening?" He says checking the clock, smiling softly as he spoke with Y/n.

"Oh nothing really. I don't know. " Y/n laughed out clueless. "Oh!! Ok then I'll get back to reading." Louis says a little disappointed. "Oh you read!! What are you reading? " Y/n asks casually. "It's a dumb book I don't know if you know it." Louis avoids the question. "Try me?" y/n says playfully playing with her hair. "This is really weird." Louis says awkwardly. "Why should it be weird? Wait unless its a magazine ... are you doing that suff? not that i wanna know but mister I've got some bad news that thing is not a book. It's a Magazine." Y/n says with disgust. "Whoa !!! whoa there y/n , now i was reading a comic not exactly a book. Comic." Louis says quickly correcting Y/n. "Oh just a comic." Y/n sighs. 

"So why is it weird?" y/n asks confused. "It's your comic. The Adventorous Astral." Louis informs. "You've got to be kidding me." Y/n laughs. "No I'm not." Louis says. "Thats great really great. You'll get to know me well now." She laughs. "I already do. i'm like that obsessed teenage fan girl." Louis chuckles. "Sure you are but not more than Issie I know." she teases him. 

"Hey boyfriends little sister." Daisy says entering the room with Harry behind her. "OH MY GOD GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!" y/n shouts at harry. "GEEZ DON'T SHOUT!!" harry shouts back. "That was violent." Louis voices makes Y/n realise he was still on call with her. "Sorry bout that. My brother came into my room." Y/n shakes her head. Daisy raises her eyebrow at Y/n , who mouths Louis Partridge. "Hey Louis!! i'll call you later. My best friend's here. Also are you free tonight? we could maybe go eat Pepperoni pizza. Or any other pizza would do to... I don't know why i said that. Just text me . Bye." She says cutting the line.

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