5 - Is Theodore okay?

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Eventually, after our 4th burger at Burger King's (and after Ian was thrown out and barred for public indecency), we decided we had to see Theodore.

After taking the bus, we were there.

"Ugh," groaned Ian, "why the hell am I here? I don't care if his limbs have fallen off, as long as he can sing, it's fine!"

Simon gasped.

"How could you say that about Theodore? He thinks of you as his friend!"

Ian rolled his eyes, and smacked the back of Simon's head.

"If he thinks of me as his friend, I'm not doing my job right. I am not your friend, I'm your boss. God, speaking of incompetent employees, where the hell is my assistant?"

"Here, Mr Hawke!"

"And just where the hell have you been?" Ian whined

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"And just where the hell have you been?" Ian whined.

Jennifer smoothed out her skirt and smiled a bright smile at her boss.

"I was in Minnesota. Here's the files you asked for."

She tried handing Ian a beige folder but he wafted it away with a disgusted look on his face.

"Do I look poor? Rich people don't need to 'read files', Jennifer! They pay people to do it for them. God, at least they have competent employees with half a brain..."

His assistant sighed in annoyance, but remained her poised manner.

"But Mr. Hawke, these contain confidential information-"

"Don't make me fire you, bitch."

Jennifer cleared her throat, mouthed 'fuck you' when Ian wasn't looking, and began reading from the files.

"DATE: 6th May, 2021. Dear Diary, today I had a bagel. It was a banging-ass bagel. It had all the right stuff too - butter (just a little, not too much), thinly-sliced ham and - the secret ingredient - some jam. Sir, do I really need to go on?"

Ian growled at Jennifer, and she quickly resumed.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Today, when Ian was at Pilates, I went to the farmers market. He hates it when I go because places that sell food without packaging are open to the 'fumes of poor people', whatever that means. Anyway, when I was there, I met the most beautiful woman. Her name's Samantha or Sara. To be honest, I wasn't paying attention to her name when we were banging SO HARD everywhere. When I say everywhere, I mean everywhere. In the kitchen, the bathroom, the bedroom, the backyard, on the toilet, on the roof, on the picket fence-"

"I knew it!" Ian screamed out, a tear in his eye, "the bastard cheated on me! He didn't meet her after we broke up! That fucking asshole!"

We all stood in silence, watching as Ian broke down in tears. A couple of sobs later, Jennifer spoke.

"Should I continue, Mr. Hawke?"

Ian scrambled out, Jennifer soon following behind him.

"Well," Simon cleared his throat, "should we go and see Theodore now?"

Theodore, Alvin and I quickly nodded and we went to his room.

Theodore laid there, like a squashed wheezing weasel connected to a IV drip. He tried to speak, but all that came out was a squeak.

"Look guys, he's fine!" Alvin said, jumping on his bed. As Alvin jumped, Theodore's heartbeat beeped higher and higher.

"Cut it out, Alvin!" Simon said, "you're going to kill him!"

Alvin sighed and sat down on the bed.

"You're no fun..." he murmured.

The door opened, and a beaten and bloodied Dave entered.

"Oh my god, Dave! What happened to you?" Simon cried.

Dave had two black eyes and blood coming out of both his nostrils. He looked pretty fucked up.

"I, er, ran into Ian in the hallway," he coughed, "and he just kicked the shit out of me."

I went over to him to check his injuries.

"Should we call the police?" I said, dabbing his blood away with Theodore's hospital bed's blanket.

Dave shook his head.

"No..." he sighed, sliding onto the floor," it was my fault. All of this is my f-fault!"

He then began to uncontrollably sob into his hands.

"A-wkward!" Alvin whistled.

I couldn't help but giggle, and Alvin saw that he made me laugh and smirked. Simon saw too, and crossed his arms.

"I can't believe I screwed up the only thing that mattered to me...The only person who loved me for me...and I crush his heart and ruined what we spent years building! I still love him...I STILL LOVE HIM!" he wailed.

I began to grow impatient because Dave had been crying for a good half an hour now, and no-one had shown me any attention yet. I opened my phone and saw a new upload by Jett Records. It was my performance with the Chipmunks! And it had 20 million views within 10 hours!

"Guys! Look at this!"

I bent down so Alvin and Simon could see my phone screen, whilst Dave remained in the corner, sobbing.

"Holy shit!" Alvin cheered, "we're famous!"

I checked the comments.

"Is it just me or is the sexual chemistry between Alvin and Y/N INSANE?"

"No, Simon and Y/N were definitely flirting...I saw his tail go up!"

"Wooo mama is it just me or is it getting hot in here? Also did anyone else notice Theodore fall to his death 1 minute in? Stay strong king!"

"Thanks to Y/N, we're relevant again!" Simon said, smiling at me. He licked his lips, and his eyes lingered a little bit longer on my chest. Forgive me Lord for these thoughts I'm having...but Simon is looking extra tasty under these bright hospital lights...

Alvin cleared his throat, and me and Simon broke eye contact.

"We should celebrate!" he said.

"You know what? For once, I agree with you," Simon said, "let's go and party!"

"I'm going to get lit tonight!" Alvin shouted, swinging from the lights. One of the lights broke off and fell onto Theodore.

I was about to see if he was okay, but Alvin told me to leave him.

"Let's go, guys!" Alvin said.

I went over to Dave.

"You coming, Dave?"

He sniffled and got up.

"Y-yeah. Some alcohol in my system might make the pain go away...might make life worth living, even if it's just for one night-"

"Yeah yeah, that's great! Come on!" I said, already out the hospital door.

"G-Guys?" Theodore wheezed. No-one replied because everyone had already left.

Squealing my heart out | alvin x reader x simon LOVE TRIANGLEWhere stories live. Discover now