"No... I'm fine. They can't bully me in my own country. You know that!"

Thinking about the Zhang Family members that were going to visit tomorrow, instantly made Chaeyoung smirk. Lisa was right. She needed to prepare a good show for them.


Meanwhile, inside a luxurious hotel in Luxembourg, a beautiful woman in her fifties was elegantly drinking her wine while listening to the report of a man, who was wearing a black suit.

"Are you sure that she has declined the offer?"

"Yes, Madam."

"How about the Prime Minister? Did he sent someone?"

"He has sent Mr. Jia, but Miss Park Chaeyoung still declined."

"Good. Very Good. She can't come to this country. Make sure to monitor all her moves." She said solemnly. Chaeyoung was a threat to the Zhou Family. If she set foot in Luxembourg, then she could only face death. She and the whole Zhou Family would make sure of that.

"Understood." The man bowed before leaving the woman alone.


Seoul, Korea.

The second day of the Spring Festival was usually spent, going to friends and visiting the cemetery. Chaeyoung had already planned to go there to disguise the fact that Claire was still alive. However, for some reason the thought of her, going to her mother's grave, when she was still alive made her uncomfortable.

Her mother's classmates would arrive in Seoul exactly at nine in the morning. Afterward, they would immediately head to Wang Estate to meet with Chaeyoung. They planned to have lunch together and then, Chaeyoung was going to take them to her mother's grave, containing her 'ashes'. After that, she was going to take everyone for a tour around the city.

Her uncle told her that there would be five people coming in total. Two of them were Claire's friends, and the rest were their children. Chaeyoung had heard that those two women were twins and were Claire's best friends at high school. But Chaeyoung was actually not sure about that since she couldn't remember Claire mention those events both before and after her rebirth.

Moreover, one of them was married with someone from the Zhang Family. Which was already like a big warning for Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung looked at her laptop once again before checking the time. It was eight thirty in the morning. Her mother's friends were going to arrive at any moment. She let out a sigh before sending an encrypted message to Long Die.

Because of Henry Lee, Chaeyoung was very careful, dealing with Long Die's secret identity. Chaeyoung was almost a hundred percent sure that Henry Lee was monitoring her every move and maybe, trying to hack into her phone and computer as well.

Chaeyoung let out another sigh when she thought about Henry Lee. His silence was not helping Chaeyoung at all. She was only getting more worried, thinking that he was cooking up another plan to hurt her again.

After a short while, Chaeyoung received an encrypted email from Long Die. She hurriedly deciphered the message and instantly narrowed her eyes at her mother's reply.

It only contained four words, yet it already told her everything that she wanted to know.

*Not Good. Stay Safe.*

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