Chapter 8

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Jungkook is sweating profusely as his finger flew faster and faster on the keyboard. His heart is pounding so hard. He looked at the room's thermostat again. He frowned when he saw that the temperature is still normal. He felt that the room just got colder to another degree.

He felt himself panic as a muscle twitches involuntarily at the corner of his left eye.

It's been 4 hours! Four whole hours of trying to break into a wall of problems that someone sent him. Normally 4 whole hours with his computer is nothing compared to the number of hours he spent hacking or coding.

But this is a different thing. Someone just sent him a malware. Not just any malware. But something that his firewall didn't even detect. A malware that threatens to wipe away all his hard work.

He couldn't help but curse! Who would suddenly send him a very complicated malware that he cannot break?

He felt that this person is completely unreasonable. Jungkook is sure that he didn't offend anyone this formidable.

He was just doing his job to survive ah. He didn't do anything wrong at all. At least he thought he didn't.

Okay, he did, but not really enough to warrant the attention of someone like the person who sent him this malware out of nowhere.

He leans back in frustration. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead. He closes his eyes as the fragments of codes clogged in his mind.

"Phew!" He let out a long sigh as he looked at the complicated codes in front of him.

Is he giving up? No! Yes? Maybe? He is definitely confused and frustrated. Who would send him a virus that is not even in the black market yet?

Jungkook closed his eyes as he takes a long deep breath. He then gets up and proceeded to get a bottle of beer from the mini fridge inside his cramp apartment.

It wasn't too long when he started this lifestyle. Jungkook was a very smart student at one of the top universities in the City. He even won the hacking competition representing his university. However, a lot of dangerous people got a hold of his talents and used his sick mother to threaten him.

Jungkook conceded with the threats and started doing illegal stuff for the underground crime groups. They promised him that they will not touch his mother, but when he got into an altercation with the law, they left him alone to fend for himself.

He ran for months with his mother. But because of this, his mother's body got weaker and weaker until she passed away 2 months ago. Now here he is, hiding in a rundown basement with his computers trying to live a normal life.

He was about to lie down to his couch when he heard a sudden 'ding'. Someone just sent a message to his computer using the malware. Now, how wicked is that?

He walked to his computer and let out another curse when he read the message on the screen.

[So… Did you like it?]

Seriously, is the person responsible for the malware just playing a game? He wondered if this guy is a psycho.

[I will teach you how to bypass it. Meet me in 2 weeks at Seoul City's Green Cafe.]

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