Chapter 19

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As George carried himself outside the door he suddenly heard a few bangs, not just bangs, these were gunshots. Already imagining what the fuck could be happening there he quickened his pace as much as his sore ass could and ran down the stairs. There he saw a half destroyed hall with blood all around.

Understanding that he's at the wrong place at the wrong time he immediately started running back up just to see Drista and Bad already waiting for him there. "No time to explain, we got attacked, here, fight." Drista told him while threw a gun in his hand.

He looked at Bad who was holding a gun too and nodded. "Follow me" Drista started running down the stairs and they ran after her. They ran through a few corridors until they reached a grey door, Drista took out a key card and opened it. Finally in forever they saw daylight again. But their happiness didn't last long cause right through the sun shining into their eyes they saw what was going on.

Dreams gang was fighting some other. It may sound childish, but there were a lot of people, like A LOT. This was the first time George saw Dreams whole mafia. If he would guess he would say that there were at least 300 people fighting eachother. He looked back expecting to see Drista but she was already gone, he looked to the side and saw her fighting someone who was trying to sneak into their base.

"ONLY USE GUNS IF IT'S URGENT!!!" She screamed at them as she knocked out a guy. Suddenly they all saw another guy trying to approach the door. Drista gave George a side look as if telling him that it's his turn to fight. George sighed and ran over to the guy, he tried to puch him but the guy was quicker, he grabbed Georges arm but George managed to hit him thus making him fall to the ground and then knocking him out.

He immediately turned around to see Drista smirking at him. "I'm not that weak." George smirked back at Drista. "Ok that was super cringy." Bad mumbled to himself. Not even a minute passes as they all hear a BANG. Dreams group was losing. They looked at each other deciding that they had to help. Drista started running and both of the boys followed right after her.

She ran into the fight punching some guy that was beating up their mate. Soon she wasn't in sight anymore, and that was a sign for Bad and George to fight too. George looked around and saw some other guy wearing Dreams gangs badge getting beaten up, he ran after him and started helping him fight the guy that was attacking him. After a few punches the enemy was down.

George turned his gaze to the guy he just helped, he was already staring at George. "Wait... you're one of the hostages aren't you?" The guy asked. "Hostages? Well I guess you could call us that." George said as he was already fighting another guy. Side to him the guy George helped started fighting some other guy too. "SO WHAT'S YOUR NAME???" The guy screamed cause you couldn't really hear shit through the whole situation.

"IM GEORGE, AND YOU???" George screamed back. "IM RANBOO." They both continued fighting while still asking each other questions. "SO HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HERE?" George forces out while gets punched by someone. "UM SINCE LIKE A FEW MONTH AGO." George punched a guy and let out a smirk. "I think I'm getting the vibe of this." George muttered to himself.

George started looking around to check if Bad was alright. His eyes quickly found him and he saw that he was ok. Not in the best condition but still standing and fighting. He moved his vision back to the opponent as he heard another huge BANG, but this one was bigger. He looked at Ranboo and they both stared at each other. "Tf could that be?" George mumbled as he started to run through the crowd.

When he finally got to the place where the sound came from, he saw what he was really not expecting. Two guys where holding unconsious Dream while another was beating him up with some kind of metal stick. George thought about doing something to help but then he saw the bunch of guys standing around them and attacking anyone who try's to get close.

George was miserable, everything he could do is stand and stare. Soon everyone in the fight were just watching the scene. George looked around seeing that most of dreams mafia was either knocked out, or either to exhausted to fight anymore. Suddenly he hears a scream, Drista, it's Drista. He sees her start running towards Dream. "DRISTA NO!" one of the guys screams while George stares in shock.

Drista manages to knock some guys out but her strength wasn't enough. A few of the guys started to hold her. Suddenly the guy with the metal stick turns around and starts heading towards Drista. "Well couldn't this be Dreams sister." The guy smirked as he came closer. "SHUT UP" Drista screamed at him. "Oh aren't you a feisty one?" The guy said as he still held the ugly smirk on his face.

He starts hitting her with the metal stick while laughing. Suddenly as he sets a final blow they hear police cars coming. The police was coming... George didn't know wether to be happy or sad. He would be rescued, but what about Drista and Dream? The other gang heard the police cars too and immediately started running away.

As they ran away everyone who were standing including George, Bad and Ranboo ran towards Dream and Drista. They started trying to get them up. "COME ON DREAM STAND UP, WE HAVE TO HIDE." Ranboo screamed at Dreams unconscious body. "Hey guys....." One of the guys mumbled quietly but enough for everyone to hear. "What do you want?!" One of the guys screamed out.




She's dead.


Hey Georgie~Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum