chapter 4

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In the morning George woke up light headed. He couldn't sleep thinking about what happend. He started getting up and automatically taking his phone and checking the time. It was 8:30am so he still had time to eat breakfast. He opened his phone thinking for a little, and deciding to call Sapnap.

"Hey Sapnap." Said George with a visibly tired voice.

"Hey George! Oh you're calling me so early, surprised that you even woke up at this time." Said Sapnap jokingly.

"Oh yeah, i just put on a lot of alarms." Said George laughing a little.

"Haha, so why did you call me this early?". Asked Sapnap.

"Oh yeah, i just uuhh...can you pick me up?" Said George. He thought about what happend and decided not to risk with a taxi for a few days.

"Yeah of course! But why? Weren't you always just taking a taxi, or a bus?" Asked Sapnap.

"Uhh yeah...i just uhh..." George thought about telling Sapnap what happend, but remembered what Dream said. Dream was in a mafia group so risking wasn't the best idea. Any minute he could get his group and come around and kill you. Getting on his bad side wasn't the best if you want to live atleast another two years. And if we think about it, dying is the best thing that can happen in this situation, he already kissed him, what can be next?

"Just, didn't feel like taking a taxi today." Finished George trying to sound as true as possible.

"Oh, yeah ok I'll be there in like 30 minutes, just be ready on time." Answered Sapnap.

After they said they're goodbyes George put down his phone, stood up and headed to his closet. He didn't have that much things, but what he had was enough for him. He took out some black jeans and a black T-shirt with a purple sweater underneath. He put it all on and taking his phone he went to the bathroom, where he did what he usually does like brushing his teeth etc...

After a while he started walking to the kitchen, as walking in he stopped for a second looking at the table and wondering if he should eat. He wasn't really an eating person, so usually if he ate breakfast he would feel sick for the rest of the day. But today he really felt like eating breakfast, mainly because he felt like he would fall on his way to Sapnap's car if he didn't.

After a second he came up to the refrigerator opened it and took out some eggs. He wasn't really the best cook, well he wasn't really a cook at all. All he knew how to cook were eggs and maybe pancakes even though he hadn't done them in a while. He turned on the stove while mixing eggs in a bowl and adding milk and some seasoning. He made himself some scrambled eggs. He sat and ate what he made for himself while watching his phone.

After he was done, he stood up washed his plate and headed out. When he was out he started searching for Sapnap, he found his car and started heading to it. He opened the door of the passengers seat and sat down. Sapnap wasn't that rich either, but he had a pretty good car. It was black and long, probably a mercedes. And it had gorgeous leather seats.

"Hey Sapnap." Said George after sitting into his car.

"Hey Georgie". Said Sapnap jokingly.

"Sapnap! I told you not to call me that!" Said George with a voice of a lil bottom.

"Hahahahaha ok ok Georgie. So what was the reason you wanted me to drive you again?" Asked Sapnap.

George looked at him thinking for a second. "Nothing much, just didn't want to take s taxi today."

"Uhhhh ookkkkk." Said Sapnap while taking his phone out and looking at the time. It was 9:00am.

The whole drive they were mostly quite, but sometimes Sapnap tried starting a conversation but George was visibly not in the mood.

After they arrived they both got out of the car and headed into the building. They worked in different office's so they said they're goodbyes and went different ways.

George went to his office where he saw Bad working on they're case, he came up to him and looked at the files that Bad had.

"So, did you find anything new?" Asked George.

"Yes, so Dream as they call him has a high status between mafia groups, he's also very rich. We also found out that he has a sister who's 14 years old, but her name is unknown."

Ok so I'll end it here, but the new chapter will be out soon. This is the longest I've wrote.

Hey Georgie~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon