chapter 15

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The voices came from one of the doors, George freaked out and started trying to find somewhere to hide. He tried going back but he was scared that they would hear him. He was stuck in one place frozen, not understanding what he should do. After a few moments he moved his attention to the voices, he heard a few guys talking, buy he couldn't quite understand what they were saying. He got a little closer to the door and started trying to understand. At first he could only hear mumbling but then he finally heard the words they were saying. "The attack is gonna happen soon, we got to be prepared." It was still hard to hear but George understood everything they said. "Listen, Dream, do you think the George guy might be some use?" Asked one of the voices. George couldn't quit recognize who the voice was, but it was similar to Wilbur's.

"Yeah, we can convince him and Darryl to join our side, I heard that Darryl can professionally throw knifes." Wait they wanted them to join their side? No way. In no way was George going to join a mafia group, right? But...what if it could be a good idea...? What if joining the group would help him with his plan? Because right know he definitely didn't know where else to go, and where the fuck the exit was. Maybe he could join the group, gain they're trust, gather all information and escape with Bad together? That was definitely a solid idea.

George still continued to listen to what was happening inside the room, he needed to get more information to what's going on. "These bitches wanna kill you too, hah, what losers, think that they might be better, that's the reason they weren't ranked first, dumb second noobies." George recognized this voice as Tommy's. As from what George understood the second ranked mafia group wanted to kill Dream, maybe they could even succeed. It was not really surprising, Dream was the most ranked mafia boss, everyone wanted to take his power away, just imagine what title they would have through all the other mafia groups if they killed the superior. But Dream wasn't gonna die anyways, he's too powerful for that.

After some time George decided that it was enough of eavesdropping, and he started quitely going back up, he got to his room, undressed, and fell asleep, not forgetting to lock the door after him.

I got some ideas from @qretzell and @TheGrayPanPan so credits to them!!!

Hey Georgie~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora