Chapter 45: Root Cause

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Venom Snake's POV

I am in my quarters. I get a call from Ocelot.

Ocelot: Boss, Miller has an important mission for you.

Venom Snake: Okay, wait a minute.

I head to the medical platform and walk down to Quiet's cell.

Venom Snake: Quiet.

Quiet looks up at me.

Venom Snake: Grab your equipment. I'll need you for a mission.

Quiet is surprised, but she nods and gets ready. We both get on the chopper and fly out.


Me and Quiet are in the chopper. We wait for Kaz to give the mission details.

Kaz: A member of the Intel Unit has gotten a lead on the epidemic that's crippling Mother Base. The problem is, our man has been captured by the PF in his operation area. He's being held at the guard post on the western end of the mine. Boss, we need you to get him out, ASAP. Right now, he's our only link to the root cause of the epidemic.

Venom Snake: I'll get him out, I have to...

Me and Quiet get out of the chopper and we head to the outpost. Quiet finds a sniping point and takes care of the guards. I see some guards and tranquilize them. I see a building and enter it. I see a blood trail.

Venom Snake: What the hell happened here...?

I hear a vehicle leaving.

Ocelot: Boss, got an emergency report from the Intel Team. A vehicle has fled the guard post heading towards northwest. The prisoner at the wheel appears to be the target. Did he escape on his own...? The target is no longer at the designated position. Find that vehicle, fast!

Venom Snake: On it!

I run after the vehicle. But it was getting further and further away from me. I then see an explosion.

Ocelot: Boss, did you see that explosion?

Venom Snake: I did!

Kaz: Where's the target?

There are guards searching around. I see the target bloody and laying on the ground.

Kaz: Good find. I'll send the chopper. Get the target to the RV.

Quiet finds me. The guards are getting closer to me.

Venom Snake: Fire!

Quiet starts shooting at the guards. I head for the chopper as Quiet kept the guards away from me. The chopper arrives and I put the target in. I then climb in as the chopper starts taking off.

Venom Snake: Quiet!

Quiet teleports on the chopper. The chopper flies off as the guards that Quiet didn't kill are shooting at us.

Venom Snake: Nice work, Quiet.

Quiet smiles then nods.


Me and Quiet got the Intel Team member back at base. But me and Quiet remain in the ACC. I get a call from Kaz.

Kaz: Boss, the Intel Team member you extracted... was DOA. He kept on insisting we listen, right up until his last breath. About "the pathogen." And the "old man" who knows how to treat it... "Code Talker."

Venom Snake: Code Talker?

Kaz: He even told us where he is. Boss, let's make sure his death was the last. It's high time we met this Code Talker.

Venom Snake: Where is he?

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