Chapter 104: Nuclear Disarmament

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We payed our respect to Chico. And we were dismantling the final nuke. This world has now have been rid of every last nuclear weapons.

Kaz: The last nuke's been decommissioned. It's over, Boss. I thought this day would never come.

Y/N: Same here... I thought it would only stay as a vision... but we did it... it's over...


Kaz is giving a speech after we reached nuclear disarmament. Me, Ocelot, Quiet, and DD stand by.

Kaz: But, while we can rejoice, we must never relax. The last nuke was deactivated; that is a fact. But the knowledge that built it is still out there. How long the world remains nuke-free is up to us. Will this moment persist? Or will human ambition cast us into the flames once more?

A kid puts flowers on our reward statue.

Kaz: Our duty is to pass on what we've learned to the next generation. The memories, the experiences... The sins. Only when our children show the wisdom not to forge new spears... Only then will we be truly triumphant.


Kaz: Humanity, every one of us, has chosen the path of nuclear disarmament. Out of ethics, or desire? Government policy? Military strategy? Whatever the reason, it's our path, too. And each step forward makes it more solid.

Me and Kaz walk out of the medical facility.

Kaz: The patients have stabilized, but there's no telling how many'll make it. The warhead we seized ruptured during transport. Recovering the leaked material exposed each of them to several hundred rads. Environmental contamination was kept to a minimum, thanks to their efforts. Heroes, every one of them. We've finished dismantling the warhead. The nuclear material has been vitrified and sealed away. It'll take at least 30 years of cold storage before it's safe... And even then we can't just dump it in the sea, bury it in the desert.

We see choppers flying. We see Ocelot in one of them.

Kaz: Nuclear disarmament... Boss, we can't let this achievement go to waste. And that means we'll have to get stronger. No nuclear program will go unseen. Someone manages to build another nuke, we'll be there to shut 'em down. Gotta love the irony.

Kaz limps away. I stay near the railing of the base and lean on it. I look at the sea, the sunset...

Y/N: I haven't forgotten what you've told me Boss. We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future further away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger. I have to drive out this demon inside me - Build a better future. That's what I- What we - Will leave as our legacy. Another mission, right Boss?

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