Chapter 72: A Quiet Exit

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Venom Snake's POV

The chopper is taking me back to Afghanistan. I am equipped in my Battle Dress gear. It's my sneaking suit, but with added armor.

Ocelot: Boss, we've gone over the prisoner transport log you found. Quiet was grabbed by the Soviets and moved to Lamar Khaate Palace. She's being held at Lamar Khaate Palace. Make your way there.

Venom Snake: I'll get there as quick as I possibly can.

Ocelot: They lost a lot of men to her. Can't blame them for wanting payback. But why did she just let herself get captured?

Code Talker: I think it is time you knew. Quiet was carrying vocal cord parasites. The English strain, to be precise.

Kaz: The third English pair...

Code Talker: Skull Face was using her as a vector. An ace in the hole of his assassination plan failed.

Kaz: I knew it...

The chopper lands. I get out quickly and start running for Lamar Khaate Palace.

Code Talker: But, Quiet chose not to speak. She told me the situation in Navajo, the only language to which the parasites do not react. If you found out, she could not remain among you. And yet she refused the Wolbachia treatment. Why? Because part of her still wanted revenge. Against you.

Kaz: Revenge against the Boss...?

Code Talker: In order to stay here, she took a vow. Of eternal silence. But then, that sudden mutation showed this was not enough. As long as the parasites were inside her, she couldn't predict what might happen.

Ocelot: And that's why she took off? Sacrificing herself, to make sure the English strain died with her...

Kaz: Maybe. Or maybe she only wants to infect the world. Whatever her plan, we can't let her go free. The vocal cord parasites are the last of Skull Face's legacy. It's up to us to erase it. Boss, the targets are Quiet, and the English strain she's carrying. Your objective is to extract her, but if worst comes to worst, she may have to be eliminated. Both her, and the parasites.

Ocelot: We don't know for sure what Quiet's up to. But we need to secure her ASAP. She's being held at Lamar Khaate Palace. Make your way there.

By the time they finish talking. I see Lamar Khaate Palace.

Venom Snake: I'm coming... Quiet. Hang on...

I start rushing over. I see Quiet with a prisoner shirt on, but no pants. I see dead Soviets. Quiet had blood on her ankle, and all over her mouth, I see a ear on the ground. I get out my knife and walk over to her.

Venom Snake: It's me...

Quiet turns around. She relaxes when she sees me. I begin to untie her hands, but Quiet suddenly bumped into me, making me dodge incoming Soviet bullets. I get down as Quiet rushes towards them. She teleports over. She dropkicks one of the Soviets, and gets on another. She uses the Soviets gun to shoot one of their own. The Soviet she dropkicked got up and got his knife out. He tries to slice Quiet, but Quiet put her hands in front, making the knife free her hands. She then grabs the knife and jumps over to the Soviet with the knife and starts stabbing him in the neck repeatedly. She then jumps to the next Soviet guard and starts stabbing him in the dick repeatedly. She then gets up and grabs his body and pulls out a grenade as more Soviets we're coming out of a little house. They run back in, Quiet chases them with the body after taking the pin off the grenade. The house explodes. I still see Quiet attacking the Soviets as the house is burning. I grab one of the Soviet guns on the ground and start shooting at the water tank above the house, making the water take the fire out. I see one of the Soviets trying to crawl out, then he gets shot in the head. I see Quiet walk out with her regular naked uniform. She has her sniper rifle and a rocket launcher. She walks over to me and gives me the rocket launcher.

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