We're Here For You

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Thanks to @sadstrarwarsfan14 for the idea!

Omega's POV

I woke up in the morning feeling like I got a decent amount of sleep. Lately I've been waking up every night, either because of nightmares or my mind just won't let me rest. But this morning I felt well rested. 

I walked into the cockpit, ready for breakfast. Hunter gave me a tired smile as I walked in. 

"Morning, kiddo." 

"Morning," I smiled. 

"You sleep good?"

"Yeah, actually. I did," I replied, taking the rations from his hand.

"That's good," he smiled again and ruffled my hair. I looked to my left to see Tech fixing Echo's cybernetic hand. 

"Tech, you almost finished? You need to eat, too," Hunter stated firmly, but let a smile slip across his face at Tech's frustrated expressions. 

"Yes, let me finish." 

Tech finished up a few minutes later and Echo stood. Echo seemed distant, like he was more in his thoughts than here on the ship.

"Thanks, Fives."


He froze where he stood, turning his gaze away from everybody else. We were silent, not knowing what to say, or how to respond to that name.

"Who's Fives?" Wrecker asked. 

Echo's cheeks flushed and he faltered a little bit before giving us his quiet response. 

"He... he was a close friend of mine...be-before, um..."

He swallowed and nodded before walking off towards the bunks. I could see the gleam of tears in his eyes. We all knew what he meant- before Order 66. Tech and Hunter exchanged a worried glance. Tech sat down and grabbed his datapad. He began tapping away, a look of concern on his face. 

"Whatcha doin'?" Wrecker asked, bending over to peer at Tech's datapad.

"Finding answers. Echo obviously seemed upset about whoever this Fives is, so we should find out more in order to help him."

We all nodded as he pulled up a few holos on Fives. 

"Fives, or CT-5555, later promoted to an ARC trooper after the Battle of Kamino. He served in the 501st." 

He paused for a moment, scrolling through the holos. 

"He... he was killed on Coruscant after an incident with the inhibitor chips."

"How is that possible?" Hunter asked, concerned.

"I'm not entirely sure. The rest of the information about his death has been denied access."

"We could ask Echo, I'm sure he knows." Wrecker looked around at us, waiting for our opinion. 

"Not now, Wrecker." Hunter placed a hand on his shoulder. "Give him time, this is the first it's ever come up."

As Hunter and Wrecker argued about what to do, and as Tech continued reading, I looked at the picture of Fives. He looked like a nice person, a small smirk forming on his lips. I decided to sneak away and find Echo while the others were distracted. 

I peeked my head into the doorway to the bunks. Echo sat on his, head in his hands. I walked slowly up to him and sat to his left. He raised his head and looked sideways at me. His eyes were tainted red and the light above us highlighted the tear tracks on his cheeks. He buried his face back into his palms and took a shaky breath. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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