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So with the season over and all, I don't really know when I'm going to end this. Probably once I lose motivation or ideas, but I'll definitely start it up again when season 2 comes out. This is NOT the last one, don't worry. Please let me know if you have ideas!!!

Hunter's POV

I've had migraines before that have made me want to stab my eyes out, but nothing compared to this one. Shaking from the pain, I had collapsed on my bunk, curled up as if I could block out the world. My head throbbed as the others talked out in the cockpit. I wish I could tell them to stop, but my migraine rendered me useless, unable to even open my eyes. Most of the time, my enhanced senses were more of a curse, rather than a blessing. 

I heard someone's voice calling my name, but it sounded so far away. The door opened with a loud hiss that rang in my ears and I was semi-aware of the hand that was gently placed on the side of my head. 


The small voice was distant, muffled, and I had no idea who it was. All I could focus on now was trying to relieve the pressure in my skull. 

"Hunter?" they repeated. 

I tried opening my eyes to see who it was, but I was met with the blinding glare of the lights, which made me shut them tightly again. My ears rang as they walked out, shutting the door with another deafening hiss. They came back a few moments later, with someone else this time. 

"Hunter, you can open your eyes. The lights are off."

I shook my head, but that made everything worse. The room spun as I squeezed my eyes tighter. 

"Hunter?" the small voice asked again. 

I cracked my eyes open, relieved to see that the room was dark. Tech was kneeling down beside me with Omega standing beside him, worry written all over her face. 

"Did you take your meds?" Tech asked me quietly.

"No," I groaned, my voice breaking. 

"Omega, run and grab the medkit for me."

She exited the room quietly and came back with the medkit firmly grasped in her hands. She handed it to Tech, who rummaged through it, finding my meds. He ordered me to sit up so I could take them. He helped me lean against the wall. The room spun some more and I shut my eyes tightly. Omega crawled up beside me and placed her tiny hand in my much larger one, clutching it tightly. It amazed me, the compassion of a child. Hers was much more advanced for her age, always knowing what to do or how to help. Her presence soothed me as she leaned against my side. 

Tech handed me my meds, along with some extra painkillers. I gulped them down with a cup of water. 

"Alright. The effects of the meds will take a while to kick in, so I suggest you get some rest."

I slowly laid down and Tech handed me an extra pillow to lay my head on. 

"Come along, Miss Omega. Let's allow him to rest. 

She got up from my side and padded over to Tech. I already missed her presence right beside me. They were about to leave the room when I spoke up.

"Wait... she can stay if she wants."

I will never tire of seeing Omega's face light up like it did just then. She looked up at Tech, awaiting confirmation. He nodded and she hurried quietly to my side. She crawled under my arm and curled up beside me. 

"Goodnight," Tech whispered before he shut the door.

That feeling came back to me. The one I felt whenever Omega was close by. The one that never ceased to warm my heart, even in the coldness of the cruel galaxy. Omega didn't say anything- she didn't need to. She understood and was content with just being here. 

She fell asleep minutes later, her soft snores filling the room. Exhaustion soon took me over and I fell asleep too, wrapped in each others' embrace.

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