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Thank you to @sierramist711 for the request!

Hunter's POV

I smiled as I watched Omega play in the rain. She span around in circles while the rain fell down upon her, soaking her hair and clothes. She didn't seem to mind though, her bright smile plastered on her face the whole time. Wrecker decided to join her, his weight causing big splashes in the puddles. 

After a few more minutes Omega's energy started wearing thin, her steps heavy as she trudged towards me. 

"Getting a little tired?" I teased playfully and she nodded. She was about to say something else when a loud rumble of thunder sounded from above us. We all jumped, startled. 

"Inside. Now," I ordered. I had Omega go in first, followed by the others. I went in last, shutting the door behind me. 

As everybody settled in, drying themselves from the rain, I noticed Omega was missing. 

"Where's Omega?"

"I saw her come in," Wrecker said. 

I knew she wasn't outside, I had checked before I went in. I walked towards the back of the ship when I heard her frightened cries. She was curled on the floor behind some storage cabinets, the opening only small enough for a small girl like her.

"Omega?" I crouched down to the floor so I could see her better. She was crying and shaking while she covered her ears with her hands. 

"Make it stop," she cried. 

"C'mere. It's okay."


I reached my hand through the opening, trying to reach her, but she only moved back farther. 

"Omega, honey, listen to me. I know you're scared, but you have to come out. I'm right here." 

She looked up and sniffled, but another boom of thunder made her tense up again. She stood up and ran into my outstretched arms. She clung to me tightly as another thunderclap rumbled the ship. 

"You're freezing," I said softly as I instinctively held her closer to give her warmth. I shifted my position so I was sitting on the floor, Omega cradled in my arms. I dug in a nearby drawer for a blanket and once I found one, I wrapped it tightly around her shoulders. The others stood a few feet away, concern written on all of their faces. I waved them away with a shushing motion, not wanting Omega to be too stimulated. They nodded their heads in acknowledgement and walked away, keeping their steps light. 

I returned my focus to Omega, holding her trembling body close- whether it was from the cold or her fear I couldn't tell. Probably both. She cried freely now, sobs racking her body. She kept her hands glued over her ears. I planted a lingering kiss on the top of her head, her hair still wet from the rain. 

The storm soon ended, the thunder only a quiet, distant rumble. The ship was now silent, only interrupted by the hitches in Omega's breath and the quiet voices of the others. I rubbed my hand up and down her back.

"It's over, it's okay."

She didn't budge, remaining pressed against me. I gently pried her hands away from her ears so she could hear my voice. 

"Omega, it's over."

She nodded, beginning to slow her breathing, but the creaks and whirrs from the ship made her gravitate her hands back to her ears. I stopped her and framed her face with my hands as she gripped my wrists tightly. I could relate to her in that way. Some days, my senses became so overloaded that even the softest sound caused painful waves to bounce around in my skull, making my ears ring and my eyes burn. Now she was experiencing that.

"Shhhhhh, it's okay," I whispered, wiping the tears from her cheeks. 

She met my gaze, her eyes glossy with tears, but looked down quickly. Her cheeks turned red. 

"Hey, no... don't be embarrassed. Everybody gets scared sometimes."

She nodded, finding a spot on the floor to focus on. I pulled her head to my chest and wrapped my arms around her tightly. I held one of her hands in mine, softly brushing her knuckles with my thumb.

"Did you ever get scared of the storms on Kamino?" I asked, immediately regretting that I did. She probably didn't even want to talk about Kamino, her fear for that horrible place growing everyday. But to my surprise she replied, not seeming too bothered. 

"Not really, they...they weren't as loud there. I was always inside," she whispered, sniffling and wiping her nose on her sleeve. 

I nodded, dropping the subject and just held her, not wanting her to get more upset. She was still shivering from the cold.

"C'mon kiddo, let's get you dried off," I said, standing up. I helped pull Omega to her feet. Her legs were a little wobbly so I placed my hand on her shoulder to steady her. I grabbed a towel from the refresher, using it to dry her hair. I pulled it away and chuckled at the sight of her blonde hair, frizzy and sticking up at odd angles. She smiled in return and I leaned forward to kiss her forehead gently. 

"There's that smile, I missed it." 

I had her change into a pair of Tech's old blacks while her clothes dried. She shuffled her feet along the floor on her way out of the refresher, trying not to trip on the oversized clothing. She came up to me, giggling as she swung the sleeves around, one of them gently hitting me in the face. 

"Alright, silly. Enough of that," I laughed, beginning to roll up the sleeves. She playfully pouted as I finished up, smoothing her hair down. 

"You hungry?"

She nodded and skipped into the cockpit, crawling onto one of the chairs, gazing out the window. The dark clouds were now on the horizon, leaving white, puffy ones in it's wake. The midafternoon sunshine made the raindrops sparkle on the leaves and grass. A vibrant rainbow glittered in the distance. 

"Woah, what's that?" she pointed towards the rainbow, glancing at Tech for answers. 

"That would be a rainbow. It occurs when sunlight reflects and refracts through water, causing the light to produce the colors that you see there." 

Omega gazed in awe at it, like if she looked away it would disappear. I handed her a ration bar and she nibbled on it while she looked out at the beautiful sight in front of her. 

"We should get moving," Echo said. 

"Awwww, but it's so pretty," she complained. "Can we just stay a little longer?"

Echo and I exchanged a glance and looked back down at Omega, who was giving us puppy-dog eyes. 


"Alright, just a little while longer," I gave in, ruffling her hair as she cheered. 

"Tech, can I see your datapad?" she asked. 

"Hmm? Oh, yes, you may." He gently placed the datapad in her hands and she took it, beaming at him. She tapped her small finger on it for a few seconds and then held it up, snapping a picture of the rainbow. She lowered her arms.

"Look Hunter!" she exclaimed, turning around and kneeling on the chair so I could see the picture. 

"Good job, kid. Looks great!" I ran my fingers through her hair as she smiled her thanks. She sat back down and ate the last few bites of her food, staring lovingly at the picture she just took. 

"Alright Tech, fly us outta here," Echo said, placing his hand on the back of Tech's chair. Omega took one last look at the rainbow as we entered the atmosphere. 

"Bye rainbow!" 

She gave the rainbow a little wave before we entered the dark void of space. I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face as I placed my hand gently on her back. Tech punched in the coordinates. She smiled up at me and I returned it. Her eyes lit up with joy as we entered the sparkling blue tunnels of hyperspace. 

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