I'm Sorry

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This takes place after episode 10. Enjoy! :) 

Hunter's POV

"Ha! I win!"

Omega crossed her arms over her chest proudly. All I could do is stare at the dejarik board in disbelief. 

"I gotta say, kid, you're good." I smiled at her as she smirked. 

"Soooo...?" she trailed off to let me finish her sentence.

"No more skipping out on missions." I confirmed to her. 

She nodded her approval and smiled, but gave me a look I couldn't quite place. Hurt? Sorrow? It gave me a feeling I couldn't shake. Guilt washed over me in never ending waves. I should've never had her stay behind. She jumped off the stool and ran to Wrecker, who started congratulating her on her win. I sighed and shut off the dejarik board. Things have been different since Omega was taken. I ask her everyday if she's okay. She says she's fine, but I know she's not. I see it in her smile, it's not the same. She's hurting. And it's all my fault. 


I spun to see Echo walking towards me. He pulled me to the side to talk.

"We need supplies. Desperately." His voice was low, so the others wouldn't hear. 

"Alright. We'll go into the city later today and get what we need."

"That's the problem. Ord Mantell is too expensive for our budget."

I sighed. 

"I'll go off-world then," I offered.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Bring Tech with you. And Omega."

We both glanced in her direction. She was at the bar, sharing a carton of Mantell Mix with Wrecker. 

"You promised her, Hunter."

"Yeah, I know. I'll bring her." I nodded, not looking back to Echo. 

There was an awkward moment of silence between us until he walked away. I walked towards Omega. She saw me and gave me a small smile. 

"Hi," she said, a little too sadly. 

"Hey, Tech and I are going on a supply run. Wanna come?"

"Yeah! Let's go!" 

She hopped off the stool and ran to the door. She lifted her bow off the floor and waited for me with Tech. We approached the Marauder and prepared for flight. 

"So, where we going?" Omega asked.

 "Off-world. Prices are rising and it's not in our budget to purchase supplies here," Tech explained. 

"So we're going somewhere where we can get supplies for less," I added. 

"Okay." She sat down in one of the chairs, feet dangling far from the floor. 

Tech punched in the coordinates and we were off.


The supply run took much longer than we anticipated. We managed to get all the things we needed, but we were all exhausted. It was already late at night. Omega fell asleep as soon as she sat down. Tech offered to take first watch, so I got ready to get some rest myself. The ship was peaceful in the silence. The silence was broken when Omega screamed my name from her makeshift room. I ran there immediately and Tech followed. Tears were streaming down Omega's face and she was shaking violently, gasping for breath. I wrapped my arms around her and let her cry into my shoulder. Tech looked in our direction. I shot him a look that told him to give us some privacy. He nodded in acknowledgement and walked away. I lifted Omega up into my arms and sat down in the chair. I rocked her back and forth slightly in an attempt to comfort her. 

"Shhhhhh, you were dreaming. It wasn't real," I soothed her.

Her breath hitched in her throat and she cried harder. I hated how I could feel her tiny body shaking. Hated how her tears soaked the fabric of my blacks. She seemed too young, too pure to go through this. I held her tighter until her tears stopped and she relaxed. Only a few erratic breaths and sniffles occasionally broke the silence of the ship, but I knew not to let go until she was okay. She pulled away and sat in my lap facing me. I cupped her face and wiped her tears away. She made eye contact with me and the intensity of her gaze made me want to squirm in my seat. 

"Please don't leave me alone again," she pleaded, her voice strained from crying. 

My heart dropped to the floor. I messed up. Leaving her alone earlier hurt her more than anything else could. She trusted us and I broke that trust. 

"I'm part of the squad now, too. I'm not helpless." 

"I know you're not helpless, Omega. I've never thought of you that way. Never will." 

She looked down at the floor. I sighed.

"I only left you behind to keep you safe. I almost lost you once. I-I don't want it to happen again." 

Tears pricked my own eyes and I turned away in shame. I know I did my best to protect her but I hurt her in the process. I turned my gaze back to her and brushed the hair out of her face. She tensed at my touch. 

"Omega, look at me," I said firmly, but with a gentle tone. 

If she heard me, she didn't give any indication that she did. 

"Omega," I repeated. 

"Omega...I'm sorry."

That made her turn her gaze towards me. 

"I just can't lose you. That night, on Bracca- it was my fault. It was my duty to protect you and I failed. I'm sorry."

Tears pooled in her eyes as memories of that night came flooding back to her and the lost look on her face returned. The wall that was being built between us crumbled and she now needed someone to hold her. Someone to tell her it's okay and never let her go. And I would be that someone. I pulled her to my chest and held her tightly. As long as I was here for her, she would be okay. As long as we all were. She curled closer to me and hugged me. 

"I forgive you." 

I didn't need to see her face in order to hear the sincerity in her words. She buried her face deeper into my chest and sighed contentedly. A warm feeling filled me. I would do anything to hold on to this feeling forever. I nuzzled my face into her soft, blonde hair and gave her a lingering kiss on the top of her head. If she ever needed comfort, I would be here for her. We all would. No one would hurt her again and I would make sure of it. I heard Omega's breathing even out as she fell asleep. I wrapped my arms around her tighter. I didn't plan on letting go anytime soon. 

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