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Thank you to @CamrynKissel for the idea! Crosshair is in this. Takes place on Ord Mantell.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like a week. My schedule is super busy getting ready for school starting next week and stupid writers block has gotten in the way. I'm hoping to update more often, but with school, updates will be more spaced out.

Suggestions are always welcome! :)

Omega's POV

"Spanner wrench."

I rummaged through the box and found the tool Tech was asking for. I placed it in his open hand. 

"Here you go."

He smiled and returned back to fixing the ship. 

"Hey Omega! Tech!" Wrecker called from the doorway of the ship. "Chow time!"

"C'mon, Tech," I said to him, as he insisted to finish what he was doing. 

"Let me just-"

"No, let's eat!"

He sighed and got up, but smiled at me and ruffled my hair. 

We all sat in the cockpit as Hunter passed out rations for each of us. I was hungrier than I thought and my ration bar was gone in seconds. Everybody else finished up theirs, but Hunter gave me the rest of his. He smiled as I took it.

"Thanks Hunter. Can I go look around the landing bay?"

"Yeah, just stay in the area, okay?"


I ran out of the ship. I don't really know what I was looking for, just kind of exploring. Then something caught my eye. A wagon, filled with a bunch of junk, but interesting junk. It was being pulled into town and I decided to follow. The rest of the crew wouldn't mind if I looked real quick, right? 

Yeah, I'll look and head back. It's fine.

I eventually caught up with the wagon and lifted myself up to take a look at all the stuff. And there was a ton of it. A variety of items I've never seen before, all different shapes and sizes. The man in charge of all the stuff saw me.

"Hey kid! Get outa my stuff!"

"S-sorry, I was...just-" 

I tried to convince him but he started coming after me, so I ran. I thought I was running back to the ship, but I went the wrong way and soon got lost in the city. Each street looked the same to me, and I had no idea which way to go. I ran down a dark alley and hid behind some crates. I just needed to stay calm and think, but the bustling streets made it difficult. 

Hunter's gonna be so mad.

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, but I held them back. Hunter would find me, I know he would. 

Hunter POV

"Omega, time to come in," I called to her. 

No response. 


It was already getting dark and Omega was no where to be seen. She's only been with us for a few days and I've already lost her. Crosshair noticed the worry on my face, which was unusual for him. I must really be panicking.

"What's wrong?"


"What about her?" 

"She's missing."

He was silent for a moment, then said, "Well, let's go find her." 

I nodded and Crosshair turned to the rest of the squad. 

"Wrecker, come with us. Tech and Echo, stay with the ship."

As we walked through Ord Mantell City, I grew more and more worried. There were hundreds of places she could be hiding, or people who could've taken her. That, combined with the bustling streets- even at night- overwhelmed my senses. I tried tracking her but they were hidden behind other tracks. So I had no lead. 

After nearly an hour later, we still hadn't found her. All three of us were exhausted, but I wouldn't stop looking, not until I knew she was okay. The crisp, night air grew chillier with each passing minute, adding to my stress even more. 


A small voice behind me spoke. I whipped my head around and saw Omega peeking out from an alley. I ran to her and was about to scold her for running off, but she immediately broke into tears. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run off! I- I just saw something and I wanted to look, but then I got lost and... and now I'm cold, and hungry and... I'm- I'm sorry!"

She buried her face into my shoulder. She was shivering from the cold. I wrapped my arms protectively around her, sheltering her from anything else that might come to hurt her. 

"It's okay. Let's get you back to the ship, sound good?"

"Mmhmm," she whimpered. 

I lifted her into my arms and carried her back to the ship. I walked inside and placed her down gently in the cockpit. She reached her arms out, wanting her source of comfort and heat back.

"No, don't go," she cried. 

"I'm getting you a blanket, I'll be right back."

I stood to go get it, but Crosshair offered to do it instead so I could stay with her. I nodded my confirmation and he hurried back with it. He placed the blanket into my hands and I wrapped it tightly around her, taking longer to do so than necessary. I was just happy she was okay.  


"Mmhmm." She sniffled and wiped the tears from her eyes with her palm. "I'm still hungry."

Crosshair took out the ration box and handed her some of his share. She smiled and took it gratefully. He returned the smile. She ate it quickly. Her eyes drooped and I could tell she was exhausted. 

"Why don't you get some sleep, okay?" 

She nodded and held out her arms for me to pick her up, so I carried her to her little room. I was about to lower her down onto the chair when she stopped me. 

"Wait... can you stay with me?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah, I can."

I sat down and let Omega sit in my lap. I brushed her blonde hair out of her face as she fiddled with her fingers. She looked up at me.

"Are you mad?"

"No, honey, I'm not mad," I replied gently. 

She nodded and looked down again. I leaned back in the chair and pulled her with me. She laid her head on my chest and relaxed. 

"Just stay close, okay? It worries me."

"I'm sorry." 

"Don't be. It's okay. Just go to sleep."

I heard Omega's breathing even out as she fell asleep minutes later. I couldn't exactly get up without waking her, so I stayed- not that I was complaining. I tightened my grip on Omega and relaxed. I soon fell into a peaceful sleep.

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