"Balls?" You questioned yourself.

"Balls..." Your eyes enlarged in realisation.

"bALLS?!" You gasped dramatically, hands covering your mouth.

Oikawa was stammering on his words, blushing so furiously as he tried to explain himself, "N-NO! Y/N-CHAN, NOT THAT! OH MY GOSH!" He waved his hands frantically, denying all your dirty imaginations that were piling up your mind.

"WHAT TYPE OF BALLS? WHY ARE YOU TIRED OF YOUR OWN BALLS-" Oikawa immediately shut your mouth by slapping a hand on your mouth, covering it. Passerbys were gazing strangely at you both. You caught sight of a family who was greatly bothered by the sentence you said just then, so they quickly walked away, hands cupping the ears of their children as if they were protecting them from foul words.

In a hushed panicky tone, Oikawa spoke, "I don't mean those types of balls, Y/N-chan! My gosh, I'm talking about volleyballs here!" The realisation slammed a door in your face, and your mouth slowly fell apart, forming an 'o' shape.

You internally slapped yourself for saying something like that. "Oops, I'm sorry?" You nervously laughed, trying to forget the entire situation. Because you would rather die without regrets. You didn't want your last word to be 'balls'. That would be a funny quote to write on your gravestone though.

"But," Oikawa leaned in, "You sure do have quite the dirty mind, Y/N-chan~" He didn't sound like his usual tone at all. His voice was the definition of husky, deep yet so sexy... You could hear the low tone of his voice, how it echoed as if he was standing in front of a very deep hallway. It sounded so different, and you liked it.

Attractive, that was how you would describe his deep voice. You could listen to it all day.

You pushed him away with both of your hands, "Nasty. You're nasty!" He let out a laugh from your expected reaction. Ah, that was why he enjoyed teasing you so much.

Then, the two of you continued walking side by side, watching the Sun falling down the sky. There was a pause when you two were walking. You can tell he wanted to say something, but he was hesitating. You also had a question, but you were debating whether you should speak up or not.

"So... What's volleyball?" As soon as you asked your question, his eyes snapped to look at you, his hair also following the direction of the wind when he turned. You swore, you saw the slightest twinkle in his eyes. That moment was the moment you knew, Oikawa was super hooked onto volleyball, and he could speak an entire ted talk on volleyball if he wanted to.

The brunet was surprised. "You... You want to know what's volleyball? For real?"

"For real, Oikawa. I'm interested," You nodded with a small smile plastered on your lips.

Like a little child given candy, his eyes glimmered like one. He looked so excited, so thrilled that even you could feel the positivity running through your veins now. If only, you could see him this happy every day, then you honestly wouldn't mind listening to him talking about volleyball all day long.

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