"Yeah please don't make that again", Jay said crossing his arms.

Zane walked out holding a new dish, "dinner is served", he stated as he set it on the table.

All of them besides Morro were laughing since he was distracted with reading.

"What's so funny", Zane asked clearly confused.

"Zane, you're wearing a... well even I wouldn't wear that", Nya states through giggles.

"You laugh because I take steps to ensure I am clean after cooking?", Zane really didn't understand.

"Haha, no we laugh because you came out wearing that ridiculous outfit", Kai said trying to help the other understand.

"I guess we don't share the same sense of humor", Zane said with a shrug.

"Ah well how about this!", he said taking a whole plate and smooshing it onto Kai's face. Kai then tried to throw a blow of food at Morro but the wind master deflected it.

"Don't ever try to do that again", he said glaring at the first master.

"How could you not find that funny?", Cole asked Zane. Just then Wu placed a bigger bowl on top of Coles head.

"Now you are brothers", Wu states putting his hand on both Cole and Zane's shoulders. Then they all started throwing food at on another almost getting it on Morro's scroll.

'I'll take this as my leave', Morro thought getting up and leaving.

When the others went to find Lloyd's base Morro wanted to stay behind not wanting to face his younger cousin. Then Nya and Wu told him they had to leave and help the others. Morro was up for saving them but Wu told him to stay and guard the monetary. Even though he wanted to help he obeyed his Sensei.

A bit after Wu and Nya left some of the Hypnobrai decided to come take back their staff. Morro wasn't gonna let that happen though. He tried to fight back but was pushed into a corner. He froze memories coming back to him. They started to burn the monastery and trapped the wind master under a large piece of wood.

The others all got back later than Morro would have hoped.

"Our home", he could hear Kai say.

"G- guys", Morro couldn't really talk with the smoke coming into his lungs. They all didn't seem to notice Morro calling for them. "H- help p- please", he started coughing luckily Nya heard him.

"Guys Morro!", she said running towards the noise. The others all fallowed her to him. Once they all dragged him out Cole helped supported him.

"Shard put this out", Zane called over his shoulder to his dragon. They all stared at what was left of their home. Morro tried to hold in tears, this was the only home he new for so long and now it was all destroyed.

"The training equipment, gone"

"Our video games, gone!"

"They stole their staff back", Morro added weakly.

"What do we do now?", Cole asked angrily.

"If you hadn't fallowed that silly bird none of this would have happened", Kai yelled at Zane.

"N- no it's not-", Morro was cut off by Jay.

"No you stay out of this, he's right! Because of you my high score has been deleted", Jay was mad, madder than the others had ever seen him.

"No guys please don't blame Zane", Morro said trying to stand up but with no avail.

"You know you're right. It's not Zane's fault it that stupid brat Lloyd's!", Jay said back to Morro.

"No! It's not his fault either!", Morro tried to get them to stop but they wouldn't.

"Who let the snakes out of their tombs huh! And why are defending him anyway?"

"Because he's my family!", the others went silent. "He's my younger cousin but I think of him as a little brother. Besides it's my fault that they got away with the staff. I couldn't- I couldn't defend the monastery. I- I'm so sorry", Morro was sobbing now but no tears fell.

"Enough! We are all at fault. Zane is your brother and Morro is your friend! Apologize at once."

They all turned around to face Morro and said "Were sorry guys we-". But Zane wasn't there.

"Zane?", they all looked to see Zane on his dragon flying away.

(And again)

"Uh, what are we eating again?", Kai said looking at his food suspiciously.

"Ugh, mud newt. Both bad for something that lives underground", Cole answered back.

"What?!", Jay said and then threw his on the ground.

Morro didn't care about what it was since it was a lot better than the garbage he used to live off of before Wu took him in.

"Remember we must be thankful for what we still have", Wu told the others and Morro nodded in return.

"What do we have? Our hone is gone", Cole asked.

"You know I don't miss out home, what I really miss is Zane", Kai added sadly.

"Yeah I miss Zane", Jay said with a loud sigh.

"Zane", Nya asked.

"Yeah Zane. You know white ninja the smart strange one?", Jay put in confused.

"No! Zane!", she said pointing behind them.

"Zane!", they all said looking behind in unison.

"Oh Zane were sorry for everything we said. We're a team and that means we're all responsible", Jay states finally getting it.

"You don't need to apologize to me", Zane said looking confused.

"But what all those awful things we said? Isn't that why you left?", the master of Fire asked.

"Of course not. I saw the falcon again and I fallowed him", Zane answered plainly earning a grin from Morro.

"That's our Zane", Cole said looking at Kai.

"We're happy to have you back", Nya said for all of them.

"Why is it my turn to make dinner?"

"Yes Zane we would love for you to make dinner".

"But I already made it, come fallow me", he said starting to walk away.

"Could someone help me up?", Morro asked still hurt from earlier today.

"Oh yes allow me", Zane answered helping the wind master up.

When the ninja got to the place they needed to go Zane gestured towards it saying, "our new home".

"Do I smell pie?", Morro snickered at Jay's remark.

Zane started to name this different types of pie he made but then all the others began walking or running to the ship leaving Morro and Zane alone.

"Well that's a first", Morro said smiling.

"Alright let's get you inside", Zane said helping Morro walk to the ship.

When they all got seated and started eat Morro remembered something. 'My scroll!' He looked around at the others clinching his fist. He took a deep breath 'I can just get a new one . . . I hope'. He looked out the open doors and could see Lloyd standing at the edge of the rise looking sadly that the others. He turned away and started walking out of Morro's view.

(And that's a rap for this chapter. Hope you enjoyed reading it! And I hope you have a good day or night! Bye!)

Word count: 1737

(ON HOLD) Brothers AU -Ninjago-Where stories live. Discover now